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Cast and Crew
The Making of Shrek, Voicing Shrek
All-Reviews.com - Shrek, Apollo Movie Guide, HARO Online, Metacritic.com: Shrek, MovieGurus.com, Movies for Guys, MusicOMH.com - Shrek, Self-Made Critic: Shrek, The Popkorn Junkie, Videoflicks
Allscifi Review - Shrek
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the film, and links to similar movies.
Countingdown to Shrek
Movie review, viewer comments, media coverage, information and links.
Digital Media FX: Shrek
Information resource with news, reviews, feature articles and interview, pictures, box office stats, cast and crew list, FAQs and other details.
Synopsis, review, and trailer.
IMDb.com - Shrek
Cast and credits information.
MovieCritic.ca - Shrek
Movie review by Luc-Rock Paquin.
Rotten Tomatoes: Shrek
Reviews, links, synopsis, cast and crew, photos, and trailer.
Scorereviews: Shrek
Soundtrack review with cover art, track list and user comments.
Official PDI/DreamWorks SKG website of this feature-length 3D animated film. Requires Flash and Pulse plugins.
TheWorldJournal: Shrek
Film information, rating and review by Giancarlo De Lisi.
Yahoo Movies: Shrek
Cast and plot information, release dates, and review commentary.