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X-Men - Evolution
Cast and Crew, Characters, Games, Acolytes 'R' US, Beyond Evolution - X-Men: Evolution, Higher Evolutionaries, IMDb: X-Men: Evolution, Kataclysm's X-Men: Evolution Page, Kids' WB: X-Men: Evolution, X Adoption Institution, X-Men Evolution - Pazsaz Entertainment Network, X-Men Evolution Ruminations, X-Men Evolution: Evolved
DRG4's Marvel Cartoon Pages
Pictures of the X-Men cast.
DRG4's X-Men the Animated Series Page
Episode guide, guest appearances list, images, animated gif, sounds and video clips, polls, message board and chat room.
IMDb: X-Men
Cast and crew list, reviews, and production information for the animated series.
Nabou.com: The X-Men: The Animated Series
Complete episode list with summaries and voice cast.
Pazsaz Entertainment: X-Men Cartoon Series
This site features a cast list, an episode guide with a synopsis for each show, and some background on the X-Men and the series.
Videoflicks: X-Men
Reviews, plot summaries and ordering information for all available X-Men animated VHS Video and DVD titles.
Wikipedia: X-Men (animated series)
You write the pages, as much or as little as you like, describing your favorite of all the episodes of X-Men: the Animated Series.
X-Men Animated Series
Episode guides to both animated series, character biographies, the shows' comic book background, some movie information, links and interactive fun are all covered here.