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A Tenchi Muyo Shrine
A shrine to the Tenchi Muyo series. Has image galleries, fanfiction, polls, and music.
A Typical Day at the Masaki House
Character profiles, information on products, quizzes, and humor.
Absolute Tenchi Muyo
Contains episode summaries, character profiles, animated pictures, image gallery, and sounds.
AnimeLink: Tenchi Muyo
Reviews of the OAVs, TV series, movies, spin-offs, and individual characters.
Dustin's Page O' Tenchi
Character descriptions, story summaries, game introduction, images, music, software, quiz, links, and forum.
JTG's Web Site About Tenchi Muyo
Character biographies, images, sound files, and links.
Kawaii Oni-chan's Shrine to everything Tenchi
Provides song lyrics, character descriptions, links, information, and quizes.
Kisaki's Chibi World": Tenchi Muyo!
Introduction, Ryoko and Ryo-oohki profiles, Japan cultural notes, and "Ask Ryoko."
Kryo's Tenchi Muyo in Depth Archives
Original Japanese song lyrics, translations, information on the True Tenchi Novels, wallpapers, and original fanfiction.
Little Washu's Cute Homepage
Character descriptions, WAV and MIDI files, as well as videos, image gallery, fan art and fan fiction, song lyrics, and links.
Marugoto Aeka
Links, images, general and personal information.
Pretty Sammy's Homepage
Character profiles, information about plot flaws, a humour section with rejected movie titles, pick-up lines, and "Things They'd Never Say". Also, lyrics, image galleries, and audio clips.
Ryoko Fanlisting & Shrine
Contains a listing of fans of Ryoko from the Tenchi Muyo, a mini-shrine, wallpapers, avatars, and blinkies.
Ryoko's Cave
Character information, an episode guide, and an image gallery.
Ryoko's Gallery
Synopsis, images, links, and fan art.
Ryoko's Love
Fan art, fan fiction, pictures, reviews, and links.
Ryoko's Love
Episode guides, profiles, gallery, fan art, downloads, sounds, and song lyrics.
Ryoko185's Tenchi Page
Character profiles, series descriptions and episode synopsis, music files and links.
Sasami's Scrapbook
Dedicated to Sasami, with images, polls, and links.
Shikichi no Ryoko
Series information, episode list, character galleries, and fan art.
Tenchi Muyo (No Need for Tenchi)
Character descriptions from the OAV's, information about the OAV storyline as well as some sounds and songs.
Tenchi Muyo Homepage
Movie, TV, and OVA information, character profiles and images.
Tenchi Muyo Site 59
Polls, episode lists, fan fiction, lyrics, games, links and general information.
Tenchi Muyo Universe
Images, character descriptions, MP3 files, lyrics, fan art and fiction.
Tenchi Muyo!'s Weird Universe
Character profiles, episode and movie summaries, galleries, and music.
Tenchi Universe
Character and series information, wallpapers, screen savers, and FAQ.
MPEGs, character profiles, summaries, MP3s, images, and links.
The Cabbit Patch
Adoptions, site reviews, multimedia, message board, and links.
The Mrs Tenchi Masaki Shrine
An MSN group. Contains episode, movie, and novel summaries; character descriptions and image galleries; multimedia downloads, and a chatroom and message board.
The Pagoda of Sasami Jurai
Character profiles, humor, images, and links.
The Tenchi Center
Image gallery and fan fiction.
The Tenchi Muyo Shrine
Animated GIFs, wallpaper, Ryoko images, quotes, and character quiz.
The Tenchi Universe
Brief outline of each series and various images.
The Void Under the Stairs
Episode and OAV guide, FAQ, character profiles, polls and quizzes, images, and links.
Thomas' Tenchi Muyo World
Introduction, character profiles, humor, poll, multimedia, fan fiction, and links.
Washu's Shrine
Washu shrine, other character profiles, images, quotes, and links.