Darien and Serena
Desktop wallpapers, backgrounds, animated banners, image galleries, character profiles, fan fiction and animated GIFs.
Darien and Serena's C.C.D. Page
Anime and manga images, profiles, videos, MIDI files, sound clips from the dub, archetypes, HTML help, Java games, and links.
Dark Elven's Sailor Jupiter Forever Page
MIDI files, senshi specific image galleries, character profiles, wallpaper, and animated GIFs.
Diavolina: Manga And Anime
Contains Sailor Moon fan art and shrines to Yaten Kou and Sailor Neptune with images, music, profiles, and sounds.
DirewolfX's Page
Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon shrine and scripts of what episodes would be like if they were live-action.
Dreamlight Destiny
Contains character profiles, image galleries, fan art, html tutorials, artbook images, midis, quizzes, episode listings, show summaries, song lyrics, wallpapers, and awards.
Duncan's Sailormoon Home Page
Character profiles, images, midi files and translated songs. Chinese and english text supported. [Flash requiered]
The Depths Of The Moon
Contains information on the scouts, images, reccomendations to other sites, stories, quotes, lyrics, and rumors.