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Akazukin Chacha
General information, character profiles, episode guide with summaries, manga, merchandise and seiyuu.
Akazukin Chacha Fun Zone
Fan works, character profiles, images, manga scans, games, wallpaper, multimedia and chat.
Animetric.com: Akazukin Cha Cha
Summary and review of the series.
Shrine to Marin the mermaid, with profile and image gallery.
Friends of Akazukin Chacha Webring
Guidelines, HTML fragment.
Mochi Mochi Mountain
General information, character guide and images, multimedia, fan fiction, classifieds, links, and an ICQ exchange.
The Diamond Fortress' Akazukin ChaCha Page
Introduction, character profiles, summaries, images, MIDIs, lyrics and links.
The One, the Only Riiya
Shrine with images, character profile, general information and links.