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BitTorrent releases categorized by fan-subtitling group.
Anime Releases by Miniime
Episode and manga downloads.
Paid subscription-based direct downloads from several series.
Fan-subtitled episode downloads through BitTorrent. Includes forum.
BitTorrent links for fan-subtitled episodes sorted by anime series.
A BitTorrent/ED2K community containg a range of releases. Also features wallpaper and forums sections.
Base0.net Torrents
Releases by various fan-subtitling groups available through BitTorrent.
Chocobo_no_miko's Streamload Site
Streamload distribution of fan-subtitled episodes.
Anime episodes and manga volumes available by BitTorrent.
Fansub TV
Recently released fansubbed anime episodes on direct download.
Freeloader Farm
Streamload request site offering smaller anime fansubs, manga, and OST files.
Otaku Request
Episodes sent to Streamload accounts on request.
Otaku Savior
Episodes and movies available through Streamload.
Precocious Gamine
Streamload distribution, with episode list and request form.
Zero4Zero Network
Anime episodes availible via IRC or FTP. Also includes anime TV Staion.