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BoyLinks, FPC, Free Spirits, Girl Love Garden, Ipce, SafeTnet
Boylovers and Their Influence on Boys
A discussion of the psychological effects on boys of sexual relations with adult men. Written by Edward Brongersma, founder of a foundation which studies youth sexuality.
Boys on their Contacts with Men: A Study of Sexual
A study by Theo Sandfort on the effects on 25 boys who had had sexual contacts with adult men.
The designers of the 'CLogo' explain the process they used to design the logo, and explain why they believe that the logo can be used by both boy lovers and girl lovers to express their solidarity for the cause of child love.
Confessions of a Pedophile
A man attracted to young girls discusses his attraction and why it should be legalized. Poetry, links and essays.
Gerald Hannon Case
Selected writings by controversial pedophilia advocate Gerald Hannon as well as a chronology of his life.
Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Mode
Academic paper argues that many children do not suffer ill effects from intergenerational sexual relations and that societies 'protection' of children may in fact be inhibiting their healthy sexual development.
Kineret: Texts from Behind a Name
Poetry by a girl lover.
On Boys and Boylovers
An academic paper by Benjamin Jarod discussing the phenomenon of boy love. The paper attempts to refute common misconceptions about boy love and explain positive aspects of man-boy sexual relations.
Paedophilia: The Radical Case
A provocative work on pedophilia which tries to de-mystify pedophilia and establish a distinction between child molesters, and pedophiles which advocate sexual relations with children on the basis of 'informed consent'.
Advocacy of adult-child sexual relationships. Authors attempt to dispel common misconceptions about pedophiles.
q online - Interview with a pedophile
Interview with pedophile Kevin Bishop. While Bishop talks about why pedophilia should be legalized, interviewer Angela Johnson has misgivings about Bishop and his views.
The Child Lovers: A Study of Paedophiles in Societ
An academic study of the personalities and social environments of members of the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE). Includes case studies.
The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site
A detailed description of pedophilia and pedophiles that draws a line of distinction between pedophiles and child molesters.
The Purity of Allen Ginsberg's Boy-Love
A column by Camille Paglia on Salon.com.
Why Pedophilia Isn't Bad
The author challenges the assumption by society that pedophilia is wrong.
YANI : Youth Attracted Network International
An e-magazine and forum facilitating dialogue between the youth-attracted community and the outside world.