A Paralytic Silhouette
Information, journal, art gallery and cam of gothic girl Verotika.
Michel Polizzi
Art photography, radio playlists for Radio Libertaire and Divergence-FM, travel stories and photos. Underground music, culture, and art reviews and stories.
People of the Pavement
Ephemeral films, rants, photographs, postcards, and links to art, landscape, photography, and film-related sites. Home for cranky and meta-nostalgic romantic types.
Perverse Bastard
A transvestite who is into ladyboys and bestiality.
Psychedelic Muse's Journal
Daily observations about life, love, music bands and other items of interest. In a message board format.
Psychosis of the Corpse
Includes information on how to install WinAmp Skins, jokes, revelations, and an image gallery.