Agent Chloe's Fanfic
Gen and adult stories ranging from portrayals of friendship between the characters to romance and angst.
Amy Schatz's X-Files Fan Fiction
Mulder/Scully romances.
Angel's Fanfic
Gen and het stories, as well as humor and angst. Also includes reader polls.
Arcadian Falls' X-Files Fanfic
Post-episode stories, romances, humor, and poetry.
By Laura Blaurosen
Scully-centered stories and Mulder/Scully romances. Also includes screen captures and X-Files-themed tarot cards.
CleverGrrl's Fan Fiction Page
Stories by CleverGrrl, aka Stacy Oziel, include romance and humor.
Daydreamer's Den
Romance stories, case files, poems, series, and dust jackets.
Donnilee's X-Files Fanfic
Mostly romance stories, including series and stand-alone works. Also includes some Skinner/Other romances, recommendations, and sound files.
Echo Cavern
Gen and adult stories. Includes "Fan Fic 101," a section for fiction many fans regard as classics, some of them now hard to find elsewhere.
Romances, humor, angst, and challenge responses, hosted by Shipper Enthusiasts for a Mulder/Scully Romance Now.
Fred and Ginger's Smut Classics
Romance stories chosen by Brandon Ray and Shannon.
Angst and romance, organized by length of stories. Also includes recommendations.
Imagine the Possibilities
Series, romances, and post-episode stories by Lydia Bower, including the "Dance Without Sleeping" series.
In the Borderlands of the Yeti
Vignettes, case files, and works-in-progress, selected by the archivist.
Kirsten's Fanfic Land
Gen and adult stories, including romances, case files, and crossovers with other series and films. Also offers cover art for some works.
Ladies of Monday Night Fan Fiction Archive
Gen and adult romances written by Amy Forrester, Pam Gamble, and Slippin' Mickeys, with links to affiliated authors.
Lili Blue's X-Files Fan Fiction
Adult and gen romance stories. Also includes art and postcards.
Mulder/Scully Romantics Paradise
Romances, angst, and humor.
My Voice in the World of X-Files
General and adult stories and recommendations.
Nocturnal Emissions
Romantic stories, as well as fan art.
Remotely Plausible
Emphasizes the characters' relationship in the context of case files.
Post-episode stories, erotica, humor, novels, and fiction based on the movie.
Sundeigh Night -- X-Files Stories for Bedtime and
Post-episode and challenge response stories written by ga.
The Foxsong Files
Novels and stories, including romance, humor, angst, and conspiracy pieces.
The Multiverse
An archive for alternate universe stories, including Mulder/Scully romances.
The Smufic General Store
Gen and het stories by Adrienne, including holiday pieces and stories where food leads to sex. Also includes links to recommended stories.
Touchstone X-File Art and Fan Fiction
Stories by Touchstone, as well as digital art and collages. Also favorite quotes, scenes, and art contest.
TwoSpooky's Home for Wayward Fanfiction
Romance stories heavy on the angst. Also links to movie and post-Requiem stories.
Under the Covers
Stories in which the characters go under cover, and frequently, between the sheets, as well.
Vixen's Den
Includes holiday-related stories, case files, and angst.
X-Files Fiction
Alloway's stories are in romance, science fiction, and horror categories.
XL's XF Realm
XochiLuvr's stories, including humor, badfic (intentionally bad writing), and romances.