Adventures with Xena Warrior Princess, Gutter, Ksmithares Archive, Mithica's Ares Slash, Odysseys and Ecstasy, Slash Alley
Web Rings
Alternative Scrolls of the Bards, Ares Rules Erotica Society, Subtext of a Different Kind Webring
Ashera's Archive
Gen, adult het, and slash fiction by multiple authors. Stories organized by pairing, author, and title. Submissions welcome.
Gen and adult fiction from Hercules: the Legendary Journeys, Young Hercules, and crossovers. Home of "When Hellmouths Collide," a Hercules/Buffy crossover.
Hercules After Dark
Adult het fiction by various authors featuring characters from Xena and Hercules.
Iolausian Hideout
Gen, adult het and slash fan fiction dedicated to Iolaus and IolausToo.
Iphicles Slash Fiction
Het and slash stories devoted to Hercules' mortal half-brother, plus images and links.
The Iolausian Hideout
Hercules, The Legendary Journeys fan site consisting of general and adult fan fiction.