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BSP Worldwide, BSPlab, Byte Magazine - Parallel Processing in Bulk, David Lecomber, David Skillicorn, Harvard BSP Group, Mark W. Goudreau, Oxford BSP Toolset, Rob Bisseling, Torsten Suel
Documentation, AutoMap and AutoLink, HP MPI, HPC - High Performance Computing, LAM / MPI Parallel Computing, Los Alamos Message Passsing Interface (LA-MPI), MacMPI, Madeleine, Message Passing Interface, Message Passing Interface Forum, MP-MPICH - Multi-Platform MPICH
Documentation, Adsmith, CPPvm, Dome, EasyPVM, HP-PVM, Internet Parallel Computing Archive : PVM3, Internet Parallel Computing Archive : Tape-PVM, JPVM, jPVM, LISP Language Bindings for PVM3
A page-based lazy release consistency protocol that adapts to an application's sharing patterns. Papers and source code available on request.
BIP Messages
Basic Interface for Parallelism is a message-passing library implemented on top of Myrinet. Software, benchmarks, and user manual.
Coherent Virtual Machine
A distributed shared memory system. Papers and bibliography.
Cray Message Passing Toolkit
Release notes for MPI, PVM, and SHMEM implementations for Cray PVP systems.
Data-Parallel Programming Library for Education is a parallel library for C++ that defines vector and matrix types. Software, reference manual, and sample code.
Fast Messages
A messaging layer designed to allow small messages to be transmitted quickly. Documentation and software distribution.
GAMMA Project
A network device driver for Linux and message passing library. Benchmarks, papers, and source code.
An implementation of the Virtual Interface Architecture for Linux. Documentation and software releases.
Shmem Put/Get-FM
An implementation of shmem. Documentation, papers, software distribution.