Articles and Essays
A Philologist on Esperanto, Angels and Elves, Arms and Armour in JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth, Christianity and Middle-Earth, Elves and Art in Tolkien's Aesthetics, Essays on Tolkien's Middle Earth, by Warrne L, Frodo and the Fate of the Individual, Inkling, J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth -, JRR Tolkien Epics
IMS: J.R.R. Tolkien, HarperAudio, Oxford Photographs, The Tolkien Bibliography, Tolkien in Oxford, Tolkien Timeline, Tolkien's Birmingham Discovery Trail, Tolkien's Oxford
Chats and Forums
Allscifi: J.R.R. Tolkien Spotlight, Boards of Lorien, Entmoot, Halls of Quenta, Ithilien, Linaewen, Lord of the Rings and Tolkien Things, LOTR Forum, LOTR Forums, Middle-Earth IRC Channel
Cave of Lost Scrolls, Fantasy and Tolkien Ring, Inklings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Links, One Ring: The Complete Guide to Tolkien Online, Redwall Tolkien Webring, Ring Codex: Tolkien and Lord of the Rings, The Tolkien Project
J.R.R. Tolkien / Rice University / English 318, Lalaith's Middle-earth Science Pages, Marquette University Special Collections - J.R.R., Tolkien and Oxford Christianity, Tolkien Biography, Critical Reviews, and Literary
Annals of Arda, BobMoCo Middle-Earth Glossary, Encyclopedia of Arda, From Middle-earth to Mithlond, Galadriel Worshippers' Army, The Electronic Tolkien Encyclopedia Project:, The Thain's Book, Tolkien Encyclopedia: Interactive Edition, Tolkien Monster Encyclopedia, Wikipedia: Middle-earth
Fan Pages
Alberto Monteiro's Tolkien Page, Alcarinque: Women of Tolkien Lore, Alkabeth: Downfallen, Alliance, Arda's Thoughtful Side, Bag End, Bag End, Bagginshouse, Blue Dragon Inn, Celebwen's Tolkien Archive
Fan Works
Fan Art, Fan Fiction, Fan Music, Dark Elf,, Hallamereth, Incandescent, Into The Ring, Lord of the Rings Doujinshi Reviews, LOTR Stained Glass, Middle Earth, RP Lord of the Rings comics, Song of the White City
Aridor Slave Rescue, Darkness of the Ring, Endore, Gaming Havens, Golden Woods, Hobbits at the Shire, Kingdoms of Middle Earth, Legacies of Melkor, Lord of the Rings Elves, Lord of the Rings for Everyone
Ask Gollum!, CBUB Fights: Lord of the Rings vs. Dragonlance vs., CBUB Fights: Merlin vs. Gandalf, Dave's Tolkien Humor, Elbereth, Fraud of the Rings, Lord of the Rings as allegory of the PhD, Middle Earth Subversive's Society, Mouth of Sauron, Prancing Doughnut - Russian Tolkien Humor
Beyond Bree, Bree Moot 5, Caras-in-Edain, German Tolkien Society, Heren Istarion, House of Cardolan, Lasselanta Philippines, Mellon Tolkien Internet Society, Middle Earth Historical Reenactment Society, Middle-earth Reunion
An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography, Cabed-en-Aras, Canon NO Fanon!, Culture of Gondor, FAQ of the Rings, Grey Havens, Hobbit Site, JRR Tolkien: A Collection, Lord Of The Rings Fantasy World, Lord of the Rings Home Page
Poetry of Middle-earth, The Hobbit Companion, Splintered Light, The Hobbit, Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon
Hobbit, The, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, The, Chronological Tolkien, Hypertextualized Tolkien FAQ, Map of Middle Earth, No Chance Meetings, Shire Calendar Converter, The Custom Tolkien Book List, The New Shadow: Sequel to The Lord of the Rings, The Red Dragon: Books by J. R. R. Tolkien publishe, Tolkien's Ring, Tolkien, Wagner, Nationalism, and Modernity
Chronicles-network: JRR Tolkien
Tolkien bibliography and related book reviews.
Houghton Mifflin: J.R.R. Tolkien
Official American publisher site includes information on the books, a biography, and list of characters.
Tolkien Enterprises
A division of the Saul Zaentz Company which licenses the names from "Lord of the Rings" for use in merchandise.
Official site from HarperCollins. Includes biography, some of his artwork, interviews, and video and audio files.