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AES Algorithm (Rijndael) Information, Anubis Block Cipher web site, BMGL: Synchronous Key-stream Generator, Camellia Home Page, CAST 128 Block Cipher, Cryptofile, CS2 Block Cipher, CSpears Ciphers Homepage, FSAngo, HC-256 Stream Cipher
Electronic Cash
Hashcash, Lucre, Stefan Brands' System of Digital Cash
apaWAP secure, Asier Technology Cryptography, Cryptico, Rethinking Encryption, MAG Random Number Algorithm, MAK Coder, NE2 - Simply Secure Communications, PGP Mimic, Practical One Time Pad, SC128 block cipher, The Polymorphic Cipher
Message Digests
Masher Applet - MD5 implemented in Java, MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Message Authentication Algorithm, RIPEMD-160 hash function, Secure Hash Algorithm Directory, Tiger: A Fast New Hash Function, Whirlpool Hashing Function
Public Key
Elliptic Curves and Cryptology, Francis Litterio - Public Key Cryptography, Hidden Field Equations Home Page, How the RSA Cipher Works, Passive Privacy System, RSA Cryptography Algorithm Simulate Center, SECG Standards, The IEEE P1363 Project
Counterpane Labs: Publications
Contains papers on algorithm and protocol analysis and design as well as links to Bruce Schneier essays.
Cryptix Standard Cryptographic Algorithm Naming
Introduces a system to enumerate and give standard reference identifiers for cryptographic algorithms with sufficient detail that independent implementations will be able to interoperate.
Cryptography, Security and Linux
A site with cryptography related material (still under construction).
Forum for Encryption Systems and Algorithms
Hosted by Steves-Homepage and features Chat forums discussing encryption systems and algorithms across the world.
General Hash Function Algorithms
General hash function algorithm implementations for string hashing in the object pascal, c and c++ programming languages.
Grotex Lab. - Complex calculations systems
The site represents two programs: " StringMath 1.0" - the ultraprecise calculator; " UlDi 2.0 Pro "- development and realization of methods of coding, decoding and compression (archiving) of data.
Kremlin by Mach 5 Software
A description of various cryptographic algorithms and their strength.
Neil Johnson's Cryptography Site
A quality resource website featuring current news and introductions to virtually every aspect of cryptography.
North American Cryptography Archives
A comprehensive archive for cryptography source code, software, liturature and links.
SSH and Cryptographic Algorithms
A brief survey of some commonly used cryptographic algorithms.
Steve's Encryption Forums
Hosted by Steves-Homepage and features Chat forums discussing encryption systems and algorithms across europe and the rest of the world - requires registration and login.
Stubblebine Research Labs
List of current and past projects and publications.
Teutoburgo: OTP4U
Contains a Java crypto-tool that allows the users to easily exchange a random key between them and then use it as a key for a One Time Pad cipher.