english deutsch
Exclusive Psalmody
A Brief Examination of Exclusive Psalmody, Canonical Hymnody on the Web, Exclusive Psalmody Homepage, Psalm Singing in Scripture and History, The Westminster Directory for Worship and the Lini
Instrumental Music
Musical Instruments in the Public Worship of God, Voices from the Past: Origin of Instrumental Music
Continuous Singing in the Public Worship of God by, The Regular Singing Controversy: The Case Against
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals: Reforming Chu
Article advocating songs based on Biblical revelation and "recounting the drama of redemption."
Anti-Instrumental Music in the Worship of God
8 books, article, reviews (Reformed Presbyterian perspective)
Christian Rock: Blessing or Blasphemy?
Article favoring the latter.
In Support of the Regulative Principle of Worship
A critique of Steven Schlissel's,'All I Need to Know About Worship, I don't Learn from the Regulative Principle.' by G.I. Williamson
John Calvin: Preface to the Psalter
Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Article from Machray Review, criticizing attempts to edit classic hymns for "inclusive language", and to replace traditional Anglican liturgical music with pop formats.
Reformation Worship, the Regulative Principle, Ico
Resources on Biblical worship. Covers Psalm singing, the use of musical instruments, and answers recent attacks against the regulative principle of worship.
The Worship of God
Many articles on reformed worship. Authors include Thomas Boston, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge, John Murray, and G.I. Williamson. From the Presbyterian Reformed Church
What shall we Sing?
Article advocating more thoughtful hymns.