John Stuart Mill
Full text of autobiography, On Liberty, other works; essays about Mill and his works.
Chapters on Socialism
Writings of J. S. Mill on socialism culled from articles which originally appeared in the Fortnightly Review in the February, March, and April issues for 1879.
Introduction to the System of Logic
As presented in the 1884 edition of this work. Contains some reflections on logic and its relation to other realms of inquiry.
On Colonies and Colonization
An excerpt from Mill's 1848 Principles of Political Economy. Part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook.
On Nature
Brief essay by Mill aimed at refuting Rousseau's notion of living in accord with nature.
Principles of Political Economy
Full text in HTML format, presented by the Liberty Fund.
Representative Government
Full work in text format from EServer, based at Iowa State University.
The Principles of Political Economy
Online text.
Mill's classic exposition of utilitarian ethics from 1863.
Vintage Mill
Various texts by John Stuart Mill including Autobiography, Chapters on Socialism, Considerations on Representative Government , Dissertations and Discussions, On Liberty, A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, The Subjection of Women, Three Essays on Religion, Utilitarianism.