Berman, Sanford
Sandy Berman's Valedictory, Sanford Berman, Sanford Berman Papers, Sanford Berman Website
Ranganathan, S. R.
A Tribute to Professor S R Ranganathan, A Tribute to S.R. Ranganathan: Contribution to Ind, A Tribute to S.R. Ranganathan: Life and Works, Excerpts from Prolegomena to Library Classificatio, Ranganathan and Facet Analysis, Ranganathan for Information Architects, Ranganathan Has a Posse, S. R. Ranganathan, Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, Was Ranganathan a Yahoo!?
West, Jessamyn
An Interview with Jessamyn West, Catalog This: An Interview With Activist Librarian, Ex Libris - Shaking things up: Radical and Progres, Google Answers Back, Or How to Become an Ex-', Guru Interview: Jessamyn West, Interview with Jessamyn West, Interviews@theMargin: Jessamyn West, Jessamyn West: Freelance Librarian, The Ultimate A,, Librarians and the War on Terror
Anderson, Jaime
Virginia librarian offers online journal and photo galleries, as well as links to her favorite books and movies.
Anderson, P.F.
Personal pages of the Head of the Dentistry Library at the University of Michigan.
Asadi, Saeid
Iranian Ph.D. student of Information Science in the University of Queensland. Resume and list of publications.
Baker, Britt S.
Links useful for librarians, library technicians and other library staff.
Ballard, Terry
Professional writings and web projects of the Automation Librarian at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT.
Barnett, Andy
Collection of serious and/or humorous articles on public libraries, digitization, including the Librarian's Lao-Tzu. Also a bibliography of recommended reading.
Beer, Sue
Outlines research into the relationship between access to information and the effects of peripherality in the context of the northern and western islands of Scotland.
Bell, Colleen
The life and times of a Canadian-born Web design-savvy librarian residing in Oregon.
Billington, James H.
Washington, D.C.: 13th Librarian of Congress. Site contains biographical information.
Boon, Belinda
Training, continuing education and consulting for public and school library staff, with biography and references.
Boostrom, Todd
Features this UCLA graduate's work on technology and the library.
Bradley, Phil
A librarian whose Web site helps other librarians search and make sense of the Internet.
Carlyle, Allyson
Assistant Professor at the University of Washington's Information School.
Chandra, Harish
Personal website of a librarian at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Cherubin, Dan
The Ska Librarian. New York librarian with Second Generation resource page and various ranting.
Clyde, L. Anne
University of Iceland homepage for Faculty of Social Science Professor in Library and Information Science. Includes courses taught, C.V., presentations and publications.
Colchamiro, Debra
The Bodybuilding Librarian. The story of a how a librarian took up weight-training and a general fitness program.
Coyle, Karen
Karen Coyle's writings on the challenges libraries face in the age of digital communication, including censorship, privacy and intellectual property issues.
Crawford, Walt
Senior Analyst for Research Libraries Group and prolific author of 13 books and the "Cites & Insights" ezine.
Credaro, Amanda
The curriculum vitae of the creator of Warrior Librarian.
Cutter Girl!
A librarian resource haven from New York's Laura Leone.
David I Orenstein's homepage
Vitae with links to regional and national library organizations
Dead Germans Project
This project brings together biographies of significant individuals - some live, some dead - some German, some not - that provide the theoretical and practical base of the information sciences.
DeCandido, GraceAnne
The Ladyhawk. Militant cyberfeminist and information angel offers essays, opinions and information.
Devadason, F. J.
Offers details on a Teaching Package for Unesco's CDS/ISIS Information Retrieval Software, library staffing software and a methodology for the identification of information needs. Links to the author's papers and library science sites.
Dickstein, Ruth
Social Sciences Librarian at University of Arizona. C.V. site with education and employment history, publications and presentations.
Dodge, Chris
Street Librarian. Utne Reader librarian's page for multicultural, progressive librarians everywhere.
Fichter, Darlene
University of Saskatchewan data librarian specializing in large scale numeric and digital file management for library users.
Garofalo, Denise A.
Collection of syllabus and materials from teaching as an adjunct at SUNY Albany's School of Information Science and Policy. Also has information on her favorite science fiction programs.
Goodvin, Renee
Home of blondelibrarian Information Services and The Literary Explorer. Includes autobiography and resume, with literary studies resources and other guides.
Griffiths, Peter
Links to support materials for library and information science text books by librarian Peter Griffiths and occasional co-author Sheila Pantry.
Gu, Ben
Publications, photos of libraries in the world, and reference links. Available in in Chinese, English, French, German and Russian.
Gupta, Sushma
The life and times of librarian Sushma Gupta. Provides links and information about African librarianship and aspects of South African and Ethiopian Studies.
Haines, Anne
A part-time MLS student at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Hassan zadeh, Mohammad
Interests and publications by a librarian from Azerbayjan.
Hay, Lyn
Wagga Wagga, Australia: Lecturer in Teacher Librarianship, Charles Sturt University. Site contains contact information and research interests.
Hetherington, Cynthia
Virtual Librarian. Learn some of the ins and outs of librarianship in the digital age.
Hood, Dave
Includes categorized links to branding and marketing resources for information professionals.
Jamali Mahmuei, Hamid Reza
Iranian librarian and information scientist in Tehran. Includes resume and links.
Kennedy, Shirl
Information on this librarian who likes motorcycles and baseball.
Koteswara, Rao M.
Deputy Librarian in the Central Library of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
Kousha, Kayvan
Iranian PhD student and journal editor, active in information science research. Resume and list of publications, as well as extensive annotated links to free scientific databases and e-journals.
Lawley, Elizabeth Lane
University page of an Assistant Professor of the Department of Information Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology.
LeGrow, Lynne
Canadian cataloger links to online library tools, as well as information on the mystery genre.
Leon, Hilary - Crafty Librarian
Cute little Web site with lots of links to higher education-oriented publishers and other fun resources.
Leonard, John
Working to disprove the theory that millions of monkeys banging on keyboards will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare.
Library Juice Home Pages of the Week
Librarians' personal home pages as featured each week in the librarians' e-zine Library Juice, collected in one place.
Longley, Dan
A reference librarian's simple site with links to library and information science professional and library resources
Lorenzen, Michael
Information on the librarian including a listing with links to his papers.
Louis-Jacques, Lyonette
U of Chicago law librarian and legal lecturer who likes Diet Coke.
Mansourian, Yazdan
Iranian postgraduate research student in the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield.Iranian information scientist based in Canada. Provides information and links to information seeking research on the Web and on the Invisible Web in particular
Massey, Owen
London-based librarian offers his thoughts on the profession, and on alcopops.
McGuire, Claire
Haverford College librarian who has an excellent section on book history.
Michael Gorman
Homepage of the Dean of Library Services at California State University Fresno and nominee for the 2005 Presidency of the American Library Association (ALA).
Mickunas, Lydia
A comprehensive list of unorthodox librarians is provided, together with information on librarians in fiction and literature.
Milbury, Peter
School librarian, teacher and technology mentor provides comprehensive listing of school websites and school librarian home pages.
Modified Librarian
A non-stereotypical study of the art and practice of body modification as it relates to librarians and librarianship.
Morales, Micaela
University page of the Systems Librarian at the University of Arizona Library.
Morris, Steve R.
Links of personal and academic interest from the Business Librarian at Florida International University.
Mudawi, Mohamed Salah Eldin
Born in Tuti Island, Khartoum, Sudan, and working as librarian, Mudawi provides some useful information and links for librarians and information professionals in Sudan.
Munigal-Pulagara, Achala
Personal web page including vita, links to reference materials and associations.
John Iliff and Julie Moore's home page, featuring a librarianship awareness quiz, an automated tour of the web site and humor for librarians.
North Dakota Librarian
Created and maintained by Christine Kujawa. Information about libraries in North Dakota, professional information about the site's creator, LIS issues and news, LIS employment, LIS graduate schools and useful links.
Nouruzi, Ali Reza
Iranian information scientist based in Canada. Provides information and links about library science, databases, online dictionaries, indexing, French language, and Iran's web presence.
November, Sharyn
Insights, witticisms, and children's literature-related links presented by a librarian and children's book editor.
Oldenkamp, David
Combined personal and professional site, including his resume and publications.
Olson, Hope A.
Information on the influential librarian and teacher.
Osborne, Sarah
Behind the black plastic glasses of this New York City librarian.
Palasciano, Megan
Library Chicks of the World Unite. Information and links.
Prillinger, Horst
The online world of an Austrian librarian.
Rampey, Leslie Campbell
Autoiographical Web site with links to information on cool stuff, like sushi!
Reinford, Wanda
Reference Librarian's personal home page, including links to library humor and a list of libraries visited.
Riley, Eric
The Life of Riley. Delve in the philosophies and literature of a University of Washington grad student.
Schwartz, Candy
Web home of LIS professor at Simmons College.
Sibley, Brenda P.
Reference librarian at Calhoun Community College Decatur, Alabama. C.V. site providing education and employment, publications, web sites constructed, community service, and awards.
Sloma, Laurence
Librarian from Moraine Valley Community College. Site includes reference links and photos.
Smith, Brian L. The Laughing Librarian's libraristic links and other projects.
Spence-Wilcox, Sharon
Backyard of a Jamaica-born Seattle-based librarian.
Spooky Librarians
Jeanne Dietrick & Brian Easterling's musings on pop culture and other things that make life fun, including the Folderol blog.
Spurgin, Kristina M.
Musings of a library school student. Includes recipes.
Stanger, Keith
Resources for information discovery and evaluation provided by 'Library Guy' at Eastern Michigan University.
Struck, James
A listing of the academic background, publications and presentations of a reference librarian at Roosevelt University and a library assistant at IIT.
Stuhlman, Daniel
Librarian's Lobby. Chicago-based librarian's writings for Chicago Rabbinical Council's "News and Views = Hadashot".
Sutcliffe, Tami
Works by and information about a biker librarian.
Teeter, Robert
The Water Librarians' home page, rec.arts.books page, Bookstore Hall of Fame, Great Books lists, and lots of links.
The Barbarian Librarian
Information and pictures of this librarian who revels in the barbaric side.
The Curmudgeony Librarian
Includes articles on library topics, webliographies and other resources for librarians, and commentary on library issues.
The Eclectic Librarian
Provides resources and web links created by Jennie Stoltz.
Twining, Joanne
Intertwining combines information, communication, technology and education with her philosophy of librarianship.
Vijayakumar, J.K. and Manju Vijayakumar
Information about education, marriage, families, careers and links on Indian Librarianship.
Weaver, Eris
Bellydancing Librarian. Serving the public's entertainment needs with the music and dance of the Middle East. This site includes a gallery of bellydancing librarians and links.
Wein, Terren Ilana
Writings and photos from a Chicago librarian.
Young, Courtney
Journal of the librarian. Includes several years worth of entries.
Zammarelli, Chris
Home page of Chicago-based librarian and creator of Librarians Are Corrupting Kids.
Ziemer, Heidi
Batgirl was a Librarian. Informative links from a self-described aspiring librarian.