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Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, Complete Plays of William Shakespeare, How to Cite to Shakespeare's Plays, Interactive Shakespeare Project, MaximumEdge: Shakespeare, Shakespeare Archive, Shakespeare List, Shakespeare's Complete Plays, The Oxford Text Archive, TheFreeLibrary: Shakespeare, William, Titles from Shakespeare
Sonnets, A Lover's Complaint, Narrative and the Forms of Desire in Shakespeare&a, Phoenix and the Turtle, Selected Poetry of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Shakespeare Literature: A Lover's Complaint, Shakespeare Literature: The Passionate Pilgrim, Shakespeare Literature: The Phoenix and the turtle, Shakespeare Literature: The Rape of Lucrece, Shakespeare Literature: Venus and Adonis, The Passionate Pilgrim
"That Liberty and Common Conversation": , 12 June 1599: Opening Day at Shakespeare's Gl, A Bibliography of Secondary Texts Relating to Earl, A Dictionary of Sexual Language and Imagery in Sha, A Double Spirit of Teaching: What Shakespeare&apos, Between Nations: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, an, Did Shakespeare Consciously Use Archaic English?, Disparate Structures, Electronic and Otherwise, Dizzying the Arithmetic of Memory: Shakespearean D, Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar
A General Glossary to Shakespeare's Works
By Alexander Dyce.
A Shakespeare Glossary
By C. T. Onions.
A Shakespearean Grammar
Differences between Elizabethan and modern day grammar; images of pages from the first folio, by E. A. Abbott.
Bartleby: Shakespeare
Scene-indexed HTML of the complete works. Searchable database.
Bibliomania: William Shakespeare
Full text plays in HTML format. Links to annotated guides and articles.
Complete Works
To read or download; a glossary of obscure words and expressions.
Internet Public Library: Shakespeare Bookshelf
Links to the plays and sonnets at Bartleby.
Literature Network: Shakespeare
Scene-indexed HTML of the complete works. Search feature and biographical information.
MIT: Complete Moby Shakespeare
Scene-indexed HTML of the plays.
Monologue Archive: Shakespeare
Monologues extracted from the plays.
Open Source Shakespeare
The complete works of Shakespeare, a powerful search mechanism, a concordance, and statistical analysis of the texts.
Project Gutenberg: Shakespeare
The complete works downloadable in plain text.
Read Print: Shakespeare
Complete works of Shakespeare in searchable format.
Renascence Editions: Shakespeare
Unindexed HTML of the complete works.
RhymeZone: Shakespeare
Scene-indexed HTML of the complete works. Searchable database.
Shakespeare Central
Selected works in TXT format.
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary
By Alexander Schmidt.
Shakespeare Resources Summary Page
Extensive links to Shakespeare's works. From the University of Virginia's electronic text center.
Shakespeare Spinoffs
A bibliography arranged by source play.
Shakespeare's Complete Works
A selection of Shakespeare's poems and plays in HTML format.
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Shakespeare's 154 sonnets, indexed by number and first line.
Shakespeare, the Character
A bibliography of works in which Shakespeare is a character.
The Collected Works of Shakespeare Search Page
The complete works of Shakespeare for any word or phrase. Search results note where every instance of the query appears in his works.
To Be Or Not To Be
Scene-indexed HTML of the plays. Options for viewing via wireless devices.
William Shakespeare
A biography and selected works plays and poetry.
William Shakespeare
The plays in English and German, attributed plays, and selected sonnets.
William Shakespeare - the Complete Works
Biography, plays, sonnets, poems and quotes, quiz and forum.
William Shakespeare Audio
Plays and Poems in audio and video.
William Shakespeare Online
Plays, plot summaries, essays, life and times, and downloads of public domain books on Shakespeare.