Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C., Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, Poplar Forest, The Jefferson Literary and Debating Society, The Monticello Association, Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society
Aphorisms by Author: Thomas Jefferson, Authors in the OED: Jefferson, Quotations of Thomas Jefferson, Resources, Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government:, Thomas Jefferson's Quote of The Day
Speeches and Writings
Declaration of Independence, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, An Act Establishing the University, Autobiography, Calendar of the Jefferson Papers of the University, Danbury Baptist Correspondence (1801-02), First Inaugural Address, Jefferson on Politics and Government: Contents, Jefferson on Separation of Church and State, Letters Jefferson, Second Inaugural Address - Thomas Jefferson & the Danbury Bap
Article about the meaning and context of Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists, focusing on its relevancy to the principle of the separation of church and state.
American Sphinx
Article by Joseph J. Ellis entitled American Sphinx examines the contradictions of Thomas Jefferson.
Encyclopedia Americana: Thomas Jefferson
Detailed biography by Dumas Malone, author of Jefferson and His Time.
Forgotten Essentials of Jefferson's Philosoph
A discussion of Jefferson's political philosophy and its legacy.
Jefferson Library
Details about the 3rd President of the United States. Offers a browsing index with a large selection of categories, library collections, a Thomas Jefferson Portal and a list of related links.
Jenkinson on Jefferson
Site of Clay Jenkinson: scholar, broadcaster and Jefferson impersonator.
Life of Thomas Jefferson
Online text of B.L. Rayner's biography "published just eight years after Jefferson's death, it is a fervent story, filled with the republican spirit".
Jefferson's home in Charlottesville. Site includes information about the house, plantation and grounds as well as the man himself.
Mr. Jefferson's Music
Passionate music-lover and amateur violinist, Jefferson obtained the latest baroque compositions from Europe.
Portraits of Jefferson
Various painted portraits of Thomas Jefferson.
Postmodernism and the Jefferson-Hemings Myth
A commentary on how postmodernism has corrupted the study of history, and in particular, the Jefferson-Hemings relationship.
Report of the Research Committee on Thomas Jeffer
Final report of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation's examination, published in January of 2000, available as hypertext and PDF.
Review of Jefferson's Children
Review of Shannon Lanier's book, Jefferson's Children which looks at the modern reunion of the Jefferson and Heming families, and gives details of the controversy.
Six Historic Americans: Thomas Jefferson
Article argues that Jefferson's writings prove he was not a Christian, but a Freethinker.
The Election of 1800: Teaching about a Critical Mo
Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which discusses the importance of the peaceful transfer of power from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson
Speeches, writings and biography from the HTML Project.
Thomas Jefferson
Links to several articles about Thomas Jefferson on Liberty Haven's site.
Thomas Jefferson
Provides a biography of American President Thomas Jefferson. Includes his portrait and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
Thomas Jefferson
Short biography from the official Whitehouse site.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
Very brief biography of Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Biography from the Acton Institute
Thomas Jefferson and his writings
Provides links to web sites dedicated to the life, thoughts, and writings of Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson Campfire Forum
Forum and live chat about his life and works in a literary context.
Thomas Jefferson Digital Archive
Over 1,700 items, including some color manuscript images, texts, quotations, bibliography and other resources from the UVA.
Thomas Jefferson Discussion Port
"devoted to a light hearted discussion centered about Thomas Jefferson. We'd love to hear your thoughts as well as suggestions regarding the best books and criticisms".
Thomas Jefferson Forum Frigate
Forum and chat on his life and works.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Site about Jefferson from the National Park service. Include details on monuments and memorials.
Thomas Jefferson: Radical and Racist
In the future Jefferson will not be considered the Sage of Monticello argues Conor Cruise O'Brien in the Atlantic.
Virtualology: Thomas Jefferson
Biography, including a handwriting sample.
Wikinfo - Thomas Jefferson
Encyclopedia article which reviews the life of President Jefferson.