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Chats and Forums
Cloth Diapering is Natural, Diaper Pin - Diaper Talk Forum, Diaper Talk Mailing List, Natural Diapering Mailing List, No Pins 4 Baby Cloth Diapering Forum
Diaper Services
Betterway Diaper Service, Diaper Net, dinky diapers, Dy-Dee Diaper Service, Pure & Natural Seattle Diaper Service, Sydney Nappy Wash, The Nappy Box
Amity Mama
Great resources and articles on natural living and cloth diapering, including a forum with a cloth diaper swap and selling board.
Cut of Cloth
Articles and resources about cloth diapering and other natural alternatives to disposable products.
Diaper Pages
Informational site to help those who are just starting out with cloth diapering. Offers step-by-step diaper change pictorial.
Diaper Pin
Directory of cloth diapering businesses, dictionary of diapering terms, and diaper reviews.
Edinburgh Real Nappy Network
A resource for those interested in the promotion and use of cloth diapers (nappies).
Elinor's Nappy Pages
Information and advice on using cloth diapers.
Katie's Kisses~Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering is best for your baby. Information on cloth diapering and a list of work-at-home mothers selling cloth diapering products.
Leicestershire Real Nappy Network
Provides information on the benefits of using cloth nappies.
Nappy Information Service
Facts and information about disposable nappies and diapers for parents with babies, health professionals and the media.
Real Nappy Association
Central source of information in the UK for information and advice on all nappy/diaper-related issues.
SAH-AP FAQ on Diapers
The SAH-AP (Stay-At-Home, Attachment Parenting) Mailing List's frequently asked questions about diapering.
The Diaper Decision - Not A Clear Issue
A Ohio State University Extension fact sheet on cloth vs. disposable exploring the health, economics, and environmental points of view.
The Nappy Lady
Resource for anyone interested in alternatives to disposables - explains the choices available, advantages of real nappies and practical use tips.
Washing Cloth Diapers and Other Tips
Offering products and FAQs.