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Fish and Aquaria
Chicagoland Marine Aquarium Society (CMAS), Greater Chicago Cichlid Association (GCCA), Green Water Aquarist Society of Chicagoland (GWASO
Chicago Miniature Schnauzer Club
Seeks to maintain and improve the standard breed of the Miniature Schnauzer dog. This non-profit member organization offers news, an events calendar, and resources for owners and friends.
Chicagoland Tails
Print and online magazine devoted to pets in the Chicago area. Resources, subscription information, and letters are featured.
Greater Chicago Whippet Club
Encourages and promotes quality in the breeding of pure-breed whippets. News, calendar, results and photos of the club's events and races plus whippet information from this American Kennel Club organization.
Pet Times
Print magazine featuring news and articles of interest to pet owners. Includes information on local events and activities, subscriptions, and where to pick up a copy.