Darktide, Frostfell, Harvestgain, Leafcull, Morningthaw, Solclaim, Thistledown, Wintersebb, Gaming Zone's Allegiance Hall, The Family Home
Modifications and Add-Ons
AC Explorer, AC Monster Guide, AC Stuph, AC Tools, Arcane Knowledge, Archmage Boradoe's Taper Calculator, Armor and Damage Abatement Calculator, Asherons Call Macroing, Decal, Decal Script
Reviews and Previews
Computer Games Online, Desslock's RPG News, Gamasutra Feature, GameSpot, Glide Underground, IGN, The Adrenaline Vault, WomenGamers.Com
AC Tips
Directory containing hundreds of links to information on spells, guilds, creatures, lore, quests, and maps.
AC Vault
Up-to-date news, stories, artwork, articles, beginners' guides, lore, items, professions, and message boards. The Server Boards here are the most popular online trading arena.
Asheron's Call
[Official] Turbine Games' Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty website. Features news, monthly events, patch updates, bug report, and the developers' Q&A.
Asheron's Call
[Official] Microsoft Zone site, offering portals for entering the game, news and events, server status reports, and downloads.
Asheron's Call Lore
News, geography, guides, spells, quests, creatures, and forums.
Asheron's Call Photoalbum
Photo album with real-life pictures of Asheron's Call 1 players from all servers.
Asheron's Compendium
News, atlas, spell database. Home of the AC Location Tracker tool.
Asherons Call Trading Post
Database of items available for trade; supports all worlds.
Beginners' guides, many different character templates, quest guides, and forums.
Crossroads of Dereth
Features forum, detailed information on items and creatures, hints, and Quest walkthroughs.
Dark Bolt's
Includes screenshots and quests of the character on the Solclaim server.
Darktide Characters
Roster of some of the Darktide players, bounties, and guides for first-time player-killers.
Dizzarian's Diary of Dereth
Information for mages, including level 7 spells, starter guides, templates, and journals.
Jean Ranta's AC Webpage
Tips and tricks to archery in AC, quest help, archer templates, and links to other archery resources.
Maggie the Jackcat
Quests, creatures, spells, unique items, craftables, lore, and trade skills.
Memorial for Holly
Flash Memorial for Holly, an Asheron's Call player who died of Leukemia.
Nakamuro Zataki's Archive
Movies, screen shots, stories and poetry from Solclaim.
Q's Guide to being a Mage
Extensive information about the many facets of playing a mage, including character creation, schools and skills, and possible templates.
Solclaim Photo Album
A gallery of hundreds of player-submitted real-life photos of the people behind the characters.
The Unrepentant Archer
Starting help, templates, trade skills, quests, tactics, and maps. Dedicated entirely to those who play, or wish to learn to play, as archers.