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Dracula, Short Stories, Bram Stoker, Lair of the White Worm, Lair Of The White Worm, Page By Page Books: The Lair of the White Worm, The Jewel Of Seven Stars, The Lady Of The Shroud, The Lair of the White Worm, The Lair of the White Worm, The Lair of the White Worm by Bram Stoker, The Man
Abraham Stoker
A biography and bibliography of Abraham Stoker.
Abraham Stoker
A biography of Stoker with an interesting quote to Walt Whitman.
Bram Stoker
Brief biography of Stoker.
Bram Stoker
A short Stoker biography with a bibliography. Includes: full text of some entries, pictures, and links.
Bram Stoker
Biography of the writer.
Bram Stoker
A short biography of Stoker and e-texts of Dracula and Lair of the White Worm.
Bram Stoker Forum
Discussion forum intended for people with an interest in the life and works of Bram Stoker & for people with an interest or curiosity about the paranormal.
Bram Stoker- Biography and Works
Biography of Bram Stoker and a searchable collection of works.
Bram Stoker: Irish Author and Inventor of Dracula
A Bram Stoker biography.
Dracula's Castle
Includes a description of Bran and Poenari Castles which were used by Prince Vlad.
European Vampire Bibliography: Bram Stoker
Literary criticism and reviews of Stoker's works.
Stoker's Dracula Organization
Established in 1991 to gain national and international recognition for Stoker and his works and to achieve a Stoker Memorial/Research/Cultural Heritage Center in Dublin.
Stoker's Grave
Lists the birth and death dates of Stoker. Includes photos of Stoker and his grave.
The Bram Stoker Memorial Assn.
Founded in 1985 to act as an American based Stoker society.
The Dracula Library
Access to the online catalog of the large collection on vampires at CESNUR Library; scholarly articles and news on vampires, religion, and culture
The Dracula Society
The Society was formed in October 1973 to cater for lovers of the Vampire and his Kind and specifically to enable Members to meet and travel to regions such as Transylvania.
The Lair of the White Worm
Chapter-indexed HTML of the complete text.
Vampiri Europeana
A bibliography of non-English European resources on vampires in literature, folklore, and popular culture. Includes lists of Stoker short stories, novels, and criticism.