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Agents of Imagination, Hunt and Hartwell, Hunt on RSS
Ben Jeapes Interview, Hunt & Moorcock in Conversation, Hunt and Mieville, Hunt spins Moriarty, Hunt vs Hunt, Iain Banks & Stephen Hunt In Discussion, Kevin J Anderson and Hunt, McMullen and Hunt, Two Scots: When Hunt met MacLeod, When Aldiss Met Hunt
Amazon.co.uk: 'For The Crown and the Dragon&a
Locus's Stephen Hunt Story List
Record of the author's various works. Includes short fiction as well as novels.
SciFan on Hunt
Bibliography featuring fantasy author Stephen Hunt & his 'Triple Realm' series.
Shunters Chat
Bulletin board for The Shunters, fan readers of Stephen Hunt.
Stephen Hunt - Genre Author
Semi-official home page of genre author Stephen Hunt. Run by fan Kim McManus.
Stephen Hunt Bibliography
ISFDB site's bibliography of Stephen Hunt.
Stephen Hunt on SFcrowsnest
Short history of the SF/F author whose novel For The Crown & The Dragon won the British WH Smith prize in 1994 (alternative reality fantasy).
Wikipedia: Stephen Hunt
The Wikipedia encyclopedia's entry on genre writer Stephen Hunt.