english deutsch
Assemblies of God
Cityview Christian Center, Eaglecreek Assembly of God, Lakeview Christian Center
Burge Terrace Baptist Church, Castleview Baptist Church, Church of the Master, Colonial Hills Baptist Church, Eagledale Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Franklin Road Baptist Church, Garfield Park Baptist Church, Geist Community Baptist Church, Heather Hills Baptist Church
Cahtolic Encyclopedia - Indianapolis Entry, Carmelites Sisters of Indianapolis, Cursillo in Central Indiana - Indianapolis, Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus - Holy Family Council #3682, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Saint Athanasius Catholic Church, Saint Athanasius the Great Byzantine Catholic Chur
Church of Christ
Castleton Church of Christ, Circle City Church of Christ, Eagle Valley Church of Christ, North Central Church of Christ, Park Avenue Church of Christ, Speedway Church of Christ, Westlake Church of Christ
Church of God
Dayspring Assembly of God Church, Reality In God Ministries, The Church at the Crossing
Disciples of Christ
Allisonville Christian Church, Geist Christian Church, Indiana Regional Office, Light of the World Christian Church, University Park Christian Church, West Park Christian Church
Cathedral Church of St. Edward the Confessor, Christ Church Cathedral, Episcopal Cursillo, St. Alban's Episcopal Church, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, The Church of The Nativity, Trinity Episcopal Church
Evangelical Free
Faith Missionary Church, Grace Evangelical Church, Hope Evangelical Covenant Church
Independent Christian Churches
All Souls Unitarian Church, Ben Davis Christian Church, Christian Missionary Fellowship, Common Ground Christian Church, East 91st Street Christian Church, Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism, Indian Creek Christian Church, Kingsway Christian Church, New Hope Community Church, Oaklandon Christian Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Divine Savior Lutheran Church, Lutheran Schools, Our Shepherd School
First Mennonite Church, Shalom Mennonite Church
Acton United Methodist Church, Acton United Methodist Church, Bridgeport United Methodist Church, Broadway United Methodist Church, Castleton United Methodist Church, Center United Methodist Church, Christ United Methodist Church, Church of the Saviour United Methodist, Cumberland United Methodist Church, Deaf Community Church of Grace at St.Luke's U
Castleton Church of the Nazarene, First Church of the Nazarene, Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene, South Side Church of the Nazarene, Westside Church of the Nazarene, Westside Church of the Nazarene
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, SS Constantine and Helen Church, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church
Christ Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Eunhye Korean Presbyterian Church, Faith Presbyterian Church, Grace Presbyterian Church, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Churches, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Second Presbyterian Church, Southport Presbyterian Church
United Pentecostal
Calvary Tabernacle Church
Calvary Tabernacle
A church for all people with information on ministries, events and photos.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Mainline Protestant denomination that is committed to being spiritually passionate and intellectually coherent.
Church Directory
A guide to greater local churches.
Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of
Also known as the Jewell Dominion. International headquarters of this Pentecostal denomination founded by Mother Mary Magdalena L. Tate. History, doctrine, church locations, events calendar.
Echoes From Calvary
Site sponsored by the Mt. Calvary Evangelistic Center and Christian Academy in Indianapolis. Features Gospel music, preaching, and information about local events.
Fellowship of Praise
Contact details, map, service schedule, beliefs, church by-laws, staff, events, articles and audio sermons, information on the Kenyan Fellowship and other ministries, and CDs and tapes for sale.
Great Banquet
Features application, events, and community information.
Greenwood Christian Life
Non-denominational. Ministries, staff, directions, and calendar.
Hope & New Life Ministries
Educational and equipping ministry seeking to provide a redemptive response to sexual strugglers, their families and the Church at large. Includes mission statement, goals, core values, statement of faith, events, and resources.
Horizon Christian Fellowship
Non-denominational fellowship in NE Lawrence Township. Ministries include Calvary Chapel Bible College, Horizon Christian School and Youth Development of Indiana.
Indianapolis Center for Congregations
Provides resources for congregations with information on the programs, missions, staff and contacts.
Indy Christian Singles
Bringing like-minded single Christians together for fellowship, growth and missions.
A start-page for local Christians with event-links and surf-leads to connect the local Christian community.
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
Worship times and location, contact information, FAQ, history, calendar.
Jubilee Church
Pentecostal Church with daily devotional, statement of faith, contact details, location, description of services, photographs, and how to be saved.
Lighthouse Ministries
Information about operations including homeless shelter, food relief agency, children's camp in Ukraine, and other ministries. Includes staff profiles and stewardship details.
Northeast United Church of Christ Youth Group
Chat, photo gallery, extensive links.
Solid Word Bible Church
Beliefs, mission, core values, resources, and upcoming events, with services times.
Southport Great Banquet
Features application, events, and community information.
The Church in Indianapolis
Beliefs, Bible studies, hymns, meeting times, news, event information, and contact information. In English and Chinese.
The Church Within
An ever-evolving, spiritual community, dedicated to offering unconditional support and love to all who seek inner wisdom through a spiritual life.
Unity Church
Minister Gloria Moncrief, offers services and spiritual support.
Unity North
Producers of "Unity In You" weekly radio program. Bettie Barta, minister.