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Bed and Breakfast
Devon Homestays
Guides and Directories
A Place to Stay UK, Brendon Valley, Coast and Country Cottages, CottageGuide: Devon, Devon Accommodation, Devon Accommodation Directory, Devon and Somerset, Devon Connection., Devon Directory., Devon Farms Holidays
Devon Riviera Hotels, Makepeace Hotels, The Bridge Group of Hotels.
Self Catering
Blue Chip Vacations, Coastal Cottages, Cottages Direct, Dart Valley Cottages, Devon Holiday Cottages, Devon Self Catering, Devonholidayhomes.com, Holiday Cottages in South Devon, Holiday Torbay, Marsdens Cottage Holidays
Friendly Farm Holidays
Offers bed and breakfast and self catering accommodation at various properties throughout west Devon.
Holistic Family Holidays
Qualified counsellors and parent coaches offering holistic family holidays experience in Devon.
South East Devon Farm Holidays
Offers bed and breakfast and self catering accommodation in farm holiday cottages in the south east of the county.
Stay in Torbay - Torquay hotels
Lists hotels, apartments and bed and breakfasts in Torquay, Paignton and Brixham.
The Torbay Hospitality Association
Promotes the area and lists accommodation and members.