A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles, Acts Commentary, Acts Project, Ellen White: Acts Commentary, The Message of Acts
Charles Hodge: A Commentary on the Epistle to the , Expository Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesian
A Commentary, Critical and Grammatical, on St. Pau, A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle, An Exposition of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul t, B. W. Johnson's The People's New Testame, Biblical Thinking: Galatians Commentary, Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galat, Paul's Letter to The Galatians, Thirteenth Street Baptist: Galatians Commentary
That You Might Believe: A Study of the Gospel of J, The Gospel of John, The New Testament Commentary Vol III: John
John's Epistles
Daniel Steel: Half Hours with John's Epistles, Eternal Life: A Commentary on First John, I John: An Exegetical Commentary by Nate Wilson, The Letters of John
A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, E-commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Elim Evangelical Community: Commentary on Matthew, Lyman Abbott: An Illustrated Commentary on the Gos
Boustrophedon, Commentary on Revelation, History of the Future: A Commentary on Revelation, Interpretive Models for the Book of Revelation, Jon Paulien: Book of Revelation, Munson, Reverend Herbert Melville Jr: Commentary o, Notes on the Apocalypse, Revelation Commentary, Revelation Gematria Commentary, Studies in Revelation
An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the , Charles Hodge: Commentary on the Epistle to the Ro, Expository Notes on the Epistle to , Martin Luther: Preface to Romans
21st Century Puritan: A Study of James
Expositional commentary in 17 lessons with questions and answers.
B. W. Johnson's The People's New Testame
Indexed by theme, book, and chapter. (1891)
Bible Gateway: InterVarsity Press Commentaries
Ongoing project, covering much of the New Testament, organized by book and section.
Bible Study Net
Verse exposition for many of the epistles and a few topical articles including grace, sovereignty, and reconciliation.
Bill Burks Commentary
Commentary on Ephesians, II Thessalonians, James, I John and articles on the origin of the Sunday sabbath.
Charles Hodge: An Exposition of the First Epistle
Surveys introductory issues and proceeds with verse-by-verse analysis. 1860 edition (Image, text, PDF).
Charles Hodge: An Exposition of the Second Epistle
Delves immediately into verse exposition adding context from related passages in Acts and First Corinthians along the way. Published in 1862 (Image, text, PDF).
Christian Bible Links
Commentary by book and chapter, often utilizing the Greek text. New Testament Commentaries
I Timothy by H. P. Liddon (1897), I John by Robert Law (1913), and Revelation by R. H. Charles (1920). Scans by Dan Dyke and Brad Johnson; [Bibleworks font].
David Lim: Bible Exposition
Verse commentary on Romans, 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, James, I John, II John, III John, and Jude.
Frank's Religious Concepts Page
Commentaries and translation of the New Testament by non-trinitarian. Articles by Frank Daniels and John Bland.
Friday Study Ministries: In-Depth Bible Studies
Daniel, Hosea, Acts, Corinthians, Galatians, and 2 John. The Gospel of John explained for children and new believers.
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
Commentary on the New Testament by a contemporary and coworker of C. H. Spurgeon.
John Gregson Commentaries
Conservative exposition by Baptist educator. Date, authorship, origin, interacts with other commentators and provides bibliographies.
John Lightfoot: A Commentary on the New Testament
Lightfoot (1602-1675) adds relevant materials from the Talmud and other Hebraic sources.
Our Man in Heaven
An exposition of the epistle to the Hebrews by Edward Fudge.
Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testamen
Written by A.T. Robertson, a Greek New Testament scholar.
Salvation By Grace: Commentaries
Galatians and Hebrews by Jim McClarty of Grace Christian Assembly. Reformed, premillennial viewpoint.
Sound of Grace: Hebrews Commentary
Ongoing group project to construct an original commentary of the Book of Hebrews. Each passage reflects the opinions of several contributors. Listener's Commentary
Slideshows and mp3 downloads by several teachers covering portions of the New Testament.
Thomas Aquinas Commentaries: Catena Aurea
Bible commentary on the gospels of Matthew and Mark by Aquinas (1225-1274) consisting of numerous quotes from early church fathers in chapter and verse format.
YashaNet: Studies
Detailed studies with commentary on Matthew, Romans, and Revelation.