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Archaeognatha (Bristletails), Archaeognatha (Microcoryphia) - Bristletails, Archaeognatha of North America, Checklist of South African Bristletails (Archaeogn, Ecowatch Archaeognatha, Jumping Bristletails
American Cockroach, American Roach, Brisbane Cockroaches, Cockroach Control Manual, Cockroach Pests of the Midwest, Cockroaches and "The Bomb", Cockroaches: FAQs, Facts About German Cockroaches, German Cockroach, German Cockroach genetics
Buprestidae, Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae, Curculionidae, Lampyridae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, Staphylinidae
Checklist of South African Springtails (Collembola, Collembola, Collembola, Collembola, Collembola (Springtails), Collembola FAQ, Collembola Literature, Collembola of the World, Gordon Ramel's Collembola Page, Hypogastrurid Springtail
Common Earwig, Dermaptera
Checklist of South African Diplurans (Diplura), Diplura, Diplura, Diplura of North America, Ecowatch Diplura, Gordon Ramel's Diplura Page
Mosquitoes, Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Aphid Midge), Brisbane Flies, Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands, Chironomidae and Water Beetles of Florida, Chronobiology in Drosophila m., Crane Fly Pests of the Pacific Northwest, Diptera, Diptera - Flies Are Cool, Diptera Site, Diptera.info
Ephemeroptera, Ephemeroptera, Ephemeroptera Galactica, Gordon Ramel's Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) Page, Mayflies, Mayflies of the United States, Mayfly Central, Shadfly.com
Flea News, Fleas, Fleas, Fleas (Siphonaptera), Fleas - Animal Health, Insecta Inspecta World - The Common Cat Flea, Integrated Flea Control, Introduction to the Siphonaptera, The Black Death: Culprit: The Oriental Rat Flea, The Complete Book of Flea Control
Heteroptera, Homoptera, Bugs, Aphids, and Cicadas, Hemiptera
Ants, Bees, Wasps, Ants, Bees and Wasps: Index of the Order Hymenopte, Apiculture and Social Insect Laboratory, Brisbane Sawflies, Wasps, Bees and Ants, FAQs to Bumblebees, Wasps, and Hornets, Hymenoptera at NCState, International Society of Hymenopterists, Introduction to the Hymenoptera, Susanne Schulmeister's Hymenoptera Reference , The Social Insects Web, UK Biodiversity Action Plans for Bees and Wasps
Butterflies, Moths, Amateur Entomologist, Atropos, Bill Hark's Lepidoptera Photos, Butterflies and Moths, Butterflies and Moths in the Netherlands, Butterflies and Moths of the World, Butterfly and Moth Lifecycles, Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the French Antille, Caterpillar Hostplants Database, Caterpillars of Eastern Forests
Brisbane Praying Mantids, Herper.com, Insecta Inspecta World - Praying Mantis, Mantodea, Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet: Prayin, Order Mantodea, Order Mantodea, Orthodera novaezealandiae, Praying Mantid Information, Praying Mantis
Antlion Pit: A Doodlebug Anthology, Antlions and Lacewings of South Africa, Brisbane Lacewings, Chrysoperla, Gordon's Neuroptera Page, Journal of Neuropterology, Neuroptera, Neuroptera, NeuroWeb, Order Neuroptera
Damselflies, Dragonflies, A Flash of Wings, Alaska Odonata, Arizona Odonates, Australia and New Zealand Odonata, Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies, Brisbane Dragonflies and Damselflies, British Dragonfly Society, California Dragonflies and Damselflies, Danish Dragonflies, Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) of Georgia a
Bush-cricket Calls, Check-list of Czech and Slovak Orthopteroids, Cricket Control, FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Grasshopper Guide, Grasshoppers and Bush Crickets (Katydids), Grasshoppers in the Field and Garden, Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West, Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Katydids, Grasshoppers: Their Biology, Identification and Ma
Brisbane Stick and Leaf Insects, British and Irish Stick-Insects of Cornwall, Guide to the Stick Insects of Australia, Phasmida, Phasmids in Cyberspace, Smithsonian Magazine - Net Gains
Order: Phthiraptera, Phthiraptera, Phthiraptera Central, Phthiraptera: Lice
American Stoneflies, North American Stonefly List, Plecoptera, Plecoptera Images, Stoneflies of the United States
Gordon Ramel's Protura Page, Japanese Protura, Protura, Protura of New Zealand, Protura of North America, Proturans (Coneheads), Proturans - Protura
Strepsiptera, Strepsiptera
Catalog of the Termites of the New World, Dr Don's Termite Pages, Isoptera, MSN Learning & Research Plus: Termite, National Termite Survey, Terminix Pest Library - Termites, Termite Handbook, Termite.com, Termites, Termites - Urban Entomology Program
Digital Microscopy at Mount Allison University, Fishmoths (Thysanura) of South Africa, Gordon Ramel's Thysanura Page, Integrated Pest Management in Schools, Silverfish, Silverfish and Firebrats, Silverfish and Firebrats, Silverfish and Firebrats (Order Thysanura), Silverfish, Firebrat, Thysanura
Zoraptera Database
3-D Insects
Virtual reality illustrations of various insects and arachnids.
About Insects
Information about Australian insects from CSIRO Entomology. Includes fact sheets and other educational materials.
Australian Insects Common Names
List of standard common and scientific names with distribution maps, images, and notes.
Biting Insects: Prevalence by Area and Season
Brief information on small biting pests in North America and their seasonal, habitat, and diurnal prevalence.
Bug Identification
An online key to insect identification.
Bug World - Tropical Malaysian Insects
An introduction to Malaysia's tropical insects by Michael KP Yeh.
Cultural entomology, insect macrophotography, educational resources, and links.
Bugbios Entophiles
Stunning insect macrophotography from California, Ecuador, and Brazil with informative descriptions.
Images and notes of insects in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Butterflies and Dragonflies of Sri Lanka
Information about butterflies, dragonflies, and other insects in Sri Lanka and their ecology.
Cedric's Insects
Includes a list and photos of the mantids, beetles, and stick insects he's cared for.
Class Insecta
Philip Myers's introduction from the Animal Diversity Web.
Compendium of Hexapod Classes and Orders
Systematic and alphabetic list with detailed information on all the insect orders. From John R. Meyer's North Carolina State University Entomology class site.
Dave Britton's Insect Photos
Images of butterflies, moths, and other insects, mainly from Australia.
Forestry Images - Insects
Large collection of imagery related to North American forest insects. Topics include organisms, life stages, eggs, and damage caused. Browse by taxonomic order or by other categories (such as foliage feeders, gallmakers, stinging insects, and predators).
Gladiators: A New Order of Insect
Scientific American article about the discovery of a new order of insect - Mantophasmatodea.
Insect Identification
From Texas A&M Department of Entomology. Includes a field guide to common Texas insects and and an image database.
Insect Information
Species-specific information sheets and other resources from the Bohart Museum of Entomology at UC-Davis.
Pictures of insects and spiders of the Netherlands.
Insects of Alberta
Photo gallery of insects found in Alberta, Canada by R. Bercha.
Insects of Russia
Information about insects from the former USSR, including type locality, synonyms, range, distribution and variation, taxonomic notes, habitat and biology, similar species, and photos of adults.
Iowa State Entomology Image Gallery
Extensive collection of insect images.
New Insect Order Found in Southern Africa
Description and image of an insect discovered in Namibia that resembles a cross between a stick insect, a mantid, and a grasshopper.
Nomina Insecta Nearctica
Checklist of the approximately 90,000 species of insects of North America north of Mexico, subdivided by Order and Family.
Photographs of Orthoptera, Dermaptera, and Mantodea species of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Pan Photo
Photographs of European and North American insects categorized by activities and by classification.
Stein's Virtual Insectary
Images of some common insects in the eastern USA.
Thailand's Amazing Insects
Photographs from the forests near Chiang Mai, sounds, articles, edible insects, Thai attitudes to insects, insects in Thai proverbs and postage stamps, links, butterfly checklists, and resources.
UCR Insect FAQ
Information about a wide variety of commonly encountered insects found in California, with links to resources and photos.