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Liberty: Yorktown is Won, The Patriot Resource: Battle of Yorktown
Crooks Memorial United Methodist Church, Grace Episcopal Church, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Youth Group, Yorktown Baptist Church
Boy Scout Troop 200
Includes Eagle Scout Hall of Fame and patrol roster.
Chief Petty Officers Association- Yorktown Chapter
Meeting minutes, member chat room, and photo album included.
Common Sense Americanism - The Battle of Yorktown
Ebenezer Denny of Pennsylvania was a major in the Continental Army. His diary offers an eyewitness account of the capture of British General Cornwallis and the last major battle of the American Revolution.
Knights of Columbus Council 7469
Includes latest council news and officer contact information.
Lodge 205 A.F. and A.M.
Schedule of events, officer listing, and history of club included.
Troop 306 Web Central
Honor Roll list of Eagle Scouts, pages of past events, and local area links included.
Virginia Garden
Growing plants deer will not eat take priority in this garden.
York High School Class of 1978 Reunion
Includes guestbook and reunion updates.