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Business and Economy
Real Estate, 808 Design, Baird & Lowler Building Co., Inc., Grosse Ile Floral, Island Connection
Grosse Ile High School, Grosse Ile High School 1965 Yearbook, Grosse Ile Schools, High School Alumni: Grosse Ile High School
Recreation and Sports
Elba-Mar Boat Club, Ford Yacht Club, Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club, West Shore Golf and Country Club
Grosse Ile Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Grosse Ile Municipal Airport
Includes directory of airport tenant businesses.
Grosse Ile Online
Official township site. Includes sections on municipal departments, community organizations, and Island history.
Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church
Information about church staff and activities.
Commercial e-mail forwarding service.
Naval Air Station Grosse Ile Virtual Museum
A veteran's tribute to the U.S. Navy facility that preceded the municipal airport.
Riverpointe Christian Church
Schedule of church services, events, ministries, and Bible study information.
The Ile Camera
Weekly newspaper covering local and regional stories.
The Singlelyn's Web Page
Family photos and interests. Humor page and Harry Potter information.
US EPA Grosse Ile
Environmental Protection Agency Mid-Continent Ecology Division. Studies the Great Lakes ecosystem.
Weather Channel: Grosse Ile, MI
The 5-day forecast.