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Commercial Services
Above Basic Systems, Accelebrate - PHP Training, ActiveCampaign, Adventures Online, Ambiah.com, AnServ, Backend Wizard, Befriend Internet Services LLC, Bigsea, Cast Iron Coding
Documentation and FAQs
Computerworld PHP QuickStudy, Database Backed Web Application Development, Debugging PHP Problems, How efficient is OOP in PHP?, How To Compile PHP 4 and Apache 2 From Source On L, How to use .HTML extension for PHP Files, Magic Quotes and Add Slashes in PHP, Manual Quick Reference, Official PHP Faq, Oracle/PHP FAQ
Personal Pages
AdamSutton.CO.UK, Ahmed, Nazly, Akhtar, Nabeel, Alphibia: PHP, Poetry, and Pictures, Bailey, Peter Scott, Biscay, Matt (SkyMinds.Net), Cameron, Robbie - no0dle`Designs, Chengfu.net, Chitea, Alexandru, Christian, Ian Peter - Pookey.co.uk
Chats and Forums, Directories, beginners php, DeveloperFusion - PHP, Glodev.com, Hotscripts: PHP, JevonTech, OnlyPHP, OxyScripts.com, PHP Start4all, PHP Architect, PHP Complete
Ad Management, Auctions, Calendars, Chat, Classified Ads, Collections, Content Management, Database Management, E-Commerce, E-mail
Obfuscation and Encryption, Source Code Formatters, Advanced Web Forms - PHP development tools, Analog X - PHP Config, Apache Friends XAMPP, Dev-PHP, DzSoft, e-novative WAMP, eAccelerator, eAccelerator - Binaries, EasyPHP, EngInSite Editor for PHP
Collections, An Introduction to Classes (Zend), Authenticate and Track Users with PHP (Webmonkey), Blobbing Data With PHP and MySQL (Devarticles), Build your own Web Service with PHP and XML-RPC, Classes and PHP (PHPBuilder), Code Injection Vulnerabilities Explained, Comprehensible PHP Code (PHPBuilder), Configuration Manipulation With PHP Config (Dev Sh, Database Abstraction With PHP (Dev Shed), Database Enabled Websites
User Groups
Auckland PHP Users Group, Broward PHP User Group, CalPUG, Chicago PHP Users Group, Miami PHP, New York PHP, Omaha PHP Users Group, Open Portals, PHP London user group, PHP Maine
A community site dedicated to PHP and SQL. Includes user submitted code, tutorials and forums.
CodingTheWeb: PHP News
PHP development news, tutorials, and technical articles. Available as XML and RSS feeds.
Devshed - Searching with PHP and ht://Dig
Adds search capabilities to site using the popular open source tools PHP3 and ht://Dig.
International PHP Magazine
Web-based magazine for Web professionals focused on PHP based development. News, online articles, book reviews, forum.
Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo!
Slides from a talk where Michael J. Radwin makes the case for using PHP over other languages.
PHP Club
A programmer's group united by a desire to develop PHP technologies in the Internet. News, articles, applications and FAQ.
PHP Everywhere
John Lim's weblog with comments and reviews. Links to his longer articles and manuals.
PHP Freaks
A community designed to assist developers with PHP and MySQL related information. Includes tips, tutorials, forums, articles, code examples and manuals.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites: native APIs to Apache and other web servers; easy access to MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, and other databases; IMAP; LDAP; HTTP headers and cookies. This site is the official home of PHP4.
PHP and MySQL articles, tutorials and codesnippets. It also has database with commonly asked questions.
Dedicated to PHP programmers that use the Mac OS, in particular Apple's OS X unix system. Tutotials, articles and support.
Quality Assurance Team
Voulonteer coders dedicated to providing coders with quality assurance.
PHP, MySQL and Apache articles, tutorials, guides and a free help forum. Free PHP scripts and programming tips and tricks.
A bottom-up rewrite of the PHP scripting engine. It features a modular architecture, vastly improved performance, and greater scalability.