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FOAF, RSS, Describing and retrieving photos using RDF and HTT, Open Directory Project RDF Dump, RDF Support in Zope, SWI-Prolog -- SGML/HTML/XML/RDF handling
A formulation of the RDF data model - A set-theor, An Introduction to the Resource Description Framew, Metadata for the Web - RDF and the Dublin Core, RDF and Metadata, RDF Metadata and Agent Architectures, The Semantic Toolbox: Building Semantics on top of, Web Architecture: Describing and Exchanging Data, What is...RDF?
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about RDF, RDF and Metadata., RDF Tutorial, The Semantic Web In Breadth, The Semantic Web: An Introduction, What is RDF?
Evolution of Web Data Formats, Evolvability: TimBL at WWW7, Managing the web: Chaos to Quality, Metadata at W3C, Metadata for the Web - RDF and the Dublin Core, Metadata Repositories and Registries using RDF, RDF and Metadata in Mozilla, Resource Description Framework : Overview and Upda, Technical Overview of the Resource Description Fra, UKOLN RDF Seminar
Sample Code
RDF Made Easy, W3C::Rdf::RdfParser
Standards Documents
Introduction to RDF Metadata, RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax, RDF Primer, RDF Semantics, RDF Test Cases, RDF Vocabulary Description Language (RDF Schema), RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised), Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syn, The Cambridge Communiqué
Technical Articles and TechNotes
A Query and Inference Service for RDF, Automatic RDF Metadata Generation for Resource Dis, Guidance on expressing Dublin Core within the Reso, Metadata for Web Resources: How Metadata Works on , Query + Metadata + Logic = Metalog, Semantic Web roadmap, Semantic Web: Why RDF is more than XML, Storing RDF in a relational database, Web design issues; What a semantic can represent
Appmosphere RDF Classes (ARC), ARP: Another RDF Parser, BlogPlanet, CARA Perl RDF API, FRODO RDFSViz, ICS-FORTH RDFSuite, Jena Semantic Web Toolkit, KAON Semantic Web toolkit, Mozquery, PerlRDF
Dave Beckett's RDF Resource Guide
An extensive and annotated collection of links to RDF documents and software, updated frequently.
Details on this XML, Semantic web, and web services metablog and news aggregator.
Repository of RDF hierarchies.
Introduction to RSS News Feeds
Find out how to create and use RSS files and learn what they can do for you. See why companies like Netscape, Userland, and Moreover use RSS to distribute and syndicate article summaries and headlines. This article includes sample code that demonstrates elements of an RSS file, plus a Perl example using the module XML::RSS.
Proof Markup Language is used to build OWL documents representing both proofs and proof provenance information.
RDF Interest Group
The main discussion forum for RDF developers and users.
RDF Logic Mailing List
Provides a forum for technical discussion concerning the design of logic-based languages for use on the Web.
RDF Resources
Links to various documentation of RDF sources.
RDF-DEV : A Site for RDF Developers
Resources database containing links to guides, papers, tools, and standards in addition to the archives of the (now closed) RDF-DEV mailing list.
Resource Description Framework
Official pages from the World Wide Web Consortium, includes the specification, resources and news, and a links collection.
Repository for RDF schemas expressed in the RDFS, OWL, and DAML+OIL schema languages.