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Chats and Forums
FFXI: Unicorn Server, Final Fantasy XI - Cerberus Server, Quetzalcoat.com
Clans and Guilds
Altana's Divine Tears, Anime-Madness, Aradorn, Avengers, Azure Twilight, Banished Chronicles Linkshell, Black Roses Linkshell, Clan Wind, Disorder of Sanity, Dragon Warrior Linkshell
Fan Works
Dance for Gil, FFXI - Spielman's Mog, Gods of Vana'diel, Kyol's Travels in Vana'diel, Lonely Mountain, Minou, whm/blm, Sylph, Peach's Adventure, Strawberrie Fields Forever, The Adventurers' Vana'diel
Reviews and Previews
Adrenaline Vault, AllRPG, Egcore - (PC), Frictionless Insight., GamerSaga, GameSpot, GameSpy, GameSpy.com - PC Review, GameSpy.com: Final Fantasy XI - Three Months Later, GameZone
General information resource with database of items, quests, missions, and crafting recipes. Also contains member forums, journals, FAQs, and links.
Timer showing locations, levels, and nations of upcoming Ballista matches.
Comprehensive Food List
Single-page listing of all food items and their effects.
FFXI Haven
Contains information on jobs, guilds, and game requirements as well as maps and downloads.
Overview of the races, jobs, modes of transportation, shops, and areas in Vana'diel.
Maps of treasure chest, treasure coffer, and notorious monster spawn points.
FFXI MysteryTour
English language version of a comprehensive Japanese site. Information on Dynamis, genkai/limit break, guild equipment and tests, missions, quests, and items.
FFXI Stat Calculator
Determines staticstics for any given combination of race, main job level, and subjob level.
FFXI Stratics
Contains beginner's walkthroughs, story information, guides, PlayOnline news, and forums.
Featuring quest, mission, and crafting information. Also has a list of linkshells and a forum.
Tool for recruiting members for player-run events such as missions or static parties taking place on each server.
Final Fantasy Catacombs
Contains guides to fishing, renkei, the conquest, food effects, auction house use, and Tetra Master, as well as forums and chat rooms.
Final Fantasy Online Warcry
Includes guides, maps, screenshots, fan art, and forums.
Final Fantasy Vault
Includes news, game guides, quest information, fan works, and forums.
Final Fantasy XI
Official Square Enix webpage for U.S. players. Information on gameplay, system requirements, service and support, and multimedia extras.
Final Fantasy XI - OGaming
Provides information on job abilities, items, vendors, and quests. Also has several forums.
Final Fantasy XI - somepage.com
Contains databases of items, spells, mobs, and merchants. Also deals with topics such as chocobo digging, gardening, crafting, fame, and conquest point items.
Final Fantasy XI Overview
A site dedicated to Final Fantasy XI. It lists descriptions of all jobs and races. A quest and mission list is coming soon.
Final Fantasy XI Timer for Palm
Vana'diel clock for Palm based handheads. Calculates upcoming days, moon phases, airship/ferry departure times and countdown timers for abilities and spells.
Final Fantasy XI Top 200
List of linkshell and fan sites ranked by users.
Gil Guide
Provides different methods of obtaining gil including tradeskills.
InnerSoul Federation
Searchable gardening database.
Killing Ifrit
Contains information on mobs, BCNMs, quests, crafting. Also has FAQs, maps, forums, and PlayOnline news.
KoolAid Linkshell
Contains information on crafting, quests, weapon skills, and vendors.
Macros Emporium
Basic information on creating macros.
Screenshots, articles, forums, walkthroughs and links.
Contains guides, maps of select zones, a dynamic ballista schedule, and a forum.
Pikko Pots
Gardening theory and recipes.
Pyogenes' FFXI Timer
Vana'diel clock. Details moon phases, airship and ferry departure times, race specific equipment locations/times, guild hours/holidays, and magic affected by the day's element.
RPG Expert - FFXI
Collection of articles and related reader comments on topics relating to all aspects of the game.
Reviews, screenshots, PlayOnline news, and game art.
Shadow Dragons
Comprehensive information on jobs, quests, maps, and a bestiary. Also features game news, screenshots, and message boards.
That FFXI Site
Contains game information and town maps.
The Bilingual Website for Final Fantasy XI
Features information on alternate leveling areas, equipment, spells, quests, gardening, harvesting/mining/excavating, and renkei.
The Final Fantasy XI Square
Provides pictures from the beta test, a list of linkshells, and a forum.
The Vana'diel Lobby
General and server-specific forums.
Total FFXI
Includes information on Vana'diel lore and a forum.
Vana'diel Atlas
Maps of all areas of Vana'diel. Includes information on connecting zones and features within zones.
Warrior Artifact Guide
Walkthrough describing how to obtain warrior artifact armor.
Zebra Flood
Guides to obtaining race-specific equipment, obtaining ninja scrolls, and information on regional merchants.