english deutsch
Christi Matri, Humanae Vitae, Laudis canticum, Marialis Cultus, Mense Maio, Signum Magnum
BrainyQuote: Pope Paul VI
A selection of quotations. No citations given.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Paul VI
Biographical article. Includes brief bibliography.
Daily Catholic: Pope Paul VI
Biographical information and opinion on this pontiff, voted one of the top 100 Catholics of the 20th century by the site's visitors.
Patron Saints Index: Pope Paul VI
Illustrated profile.
Pope Paul VI and the Truth of Sacred Scripture
Presentation of a doctoral thesis.
Pope Paul VI as Prophet
Janet Smith says that the warnings in Humanae Vitae about the harmful effects to society of the widespread use of contraception have been vindicated.
Pope Paul VI Is Dead of a Heart Attack at 80; Guid
Obituary, by Kenneth A. Briggs. [New York Times]
Popes Through the Ages: Paul VI
Background information and an account of his pontificate.
The Holy See: Paul VI
At the Vatican's official web site. Portrait, coat of arms, biography, writings, transcripts of some of his speeches.
Wikipedia: Pope Paul VI
Concise biographical profile.