Blessed L+íszl+¦ Batthy+íny-Strattmann
Dr. Ladislaus Batthyány, László Batthyány-Strattmann the eyedoctor and the , László Batthyány-Strattmann, M.D. (1870-1931)
Blessed Laurence Richardson
Blessed Laurence Richardson, Blessed Laurence Richardson, Thomas Cottam & W
Blessed Luigi Variara
Blessed Luigi Variara SDB, Office of Papal Liturgical Celebrations: Luigi Var, Patron Saints Index: Luigi Variara, With a Suffering Community
Saint Laurence O'Toole
Catholic Encyclopedia, Catholic Information Network, Catholic Online, For All the Saints, Lives of the Saints
Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
Capuchin Franciscan Friars of Australia, Catholic Encyclopedia, For All the Saints, Patron Saints Index
Saint Lawrence Ruiz
Catholic Online: St. Lorenzo Ruiz, Lorenzo Ruiz, San Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Saint Leo IX
Leo IX, Pope, Leo IX, Saint, Pope, Patron Saints Index: Leo IX, Pope St. Leo IX, St. Leo IX, The Ecole Glossary: Leo IX
Saint Leopold Bogdan Mandic
Leopold Bogdan Mandic, Saint Leopold Mandic, Saint Léopold Mandic, St. Leopold Mandic
Saint Louis IX
Works, Columbia Encyclopedia: Louis IX, king of France, James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Louis I, Memoirs of Saint Louis, Patron Saints Index: Louis IX, Saint Louis, Confessor, King of France, Saint Louis, king of France, Saint Louis, King of France, 1214 - 1270, St. Louis IX, The Ecole Glossary: Louis IX, The Hours of Saint Louis
Saint Louis Mary de Montfort
Works, Catholic Encyclopedia, Catholic Online, For All the Saints, Patrick Gaffney, Patron Saints Index, The Montfortian Religious Family
Saint Louise de Marillac
Catholic Encyclopedia, Catholic Online, For All the Saints, Louise de Marillac, Patron Saints Index, Vincentian Center for Church and Society
Saint Luigi Scrosoppi
A Journey of Providence, Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884), Luigi Scrosoppi of Udine, Saint Luigi Scrosoppi, Saint Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884)
Saint Lydwina
B. Lidwina, Commonly Called Lydwid, Blessed Lidwina, Blessed Lidwina of Schiedam, Lydwina of Schiedam, St. Lidwina, St. Lydwine