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Flashback News Agency international, Macintosh Hacking Related e-Zines, Phreedom Magazine
2600 - The Hacker Quarterly
Printed American magazine dealing with hacking and phreaking.
Butchered From Inside is an electronic publication of free speech and distribution written by the Italian hacker community.
Binary Revolution Magazine
Offers printed magazine, radio show and tv show geared for hackers.
Blacklisted! 411
Quarterly hacker publication featuring cover artwork, table of contents and subscription information.
Hacker news, a daily eZine for hackers and computer security experts.
Bi-monthly magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
Land Of The FREE is a eZine about network security, hacking and cracking.
eZine dedicated to networking and network security.
Phone Losers of America
Pranksters message boards and chat. Features recorded calls in Real Audio.
Hacker magazine.
Digital hacking magazine.
Radical Future
Downloadable eZine in PDF format focusing on computer hacking, freedom of speech, and political beliefs.
The Collusion Webzine
Exploring technology and culture from a hacker's perspective.
The Hackademy Journal
Subscription based quarterly printed magazine with technical articles about computer security and hacking.