Arizona State University - Beta Omicron chapter, K, Arizona, University of - Omega chapter, Kappa Kap, Arizona, University of - Omega chapter, Tau Beta , Boise State University - Iota Kappa chapter, Kappa, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis , Fresno State University - Eta Omega chapter, Tau B, Modesto Jr. College - Zeta Rho chapter, Kappa Kapp, Northern Arizona University - Alpha Chi chapter, T, Northern Arizona University - Gamma Kappa and Alph, Northern Arizona University - Gamma Kappa chapter,
2002 Western District Convention
Site with travel, hotel, agenda, and other pragmatic information relating to the 2002 convention in Flagstaff, AZ. Hosted by the Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi chapters.
2003 Western District Convention
Official site of the 2003 convention hosted by the Eta Mu and Zeta Xi chapters. Includes itinerary, hotel information, online registration and payment, maps, and other logistical information.
2005 Western District Convention
Informational and logistic site of the 2005 convention hosted by the Omega chapters of the University of Arizona, in Tucson, AZ. Includes an agenda, hotel details, registration data, listings of planned fundraisers, and maps.
Adopt-a-District Program
Information on a Tau Beta Sigma program to encourage communication with chapters from outside the Western District. Includes resource ideas and chapter district assignments.
Cassanova's Communications
List of Western District members' AOL IM screen names and ICQ numbers. Includes a form for adding or updating your information.
District Pen Pal Program
Contains information on and an application for the district pen pal program. Members will be assigned a pen pal from another chapter in the district by the Member-at-Large and VP of Special Projects.
The Western District of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta S
Official site for the district encompassing Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho; includes district history, official documents, upcoming events, resource manuals, a listserve FAQ, and officer profiles.
Western District Joint Alumni Association (WDJAA)
Association founded in 1996 to encourage Western District "has-beens" (alumni and life members) to stay involved with the groups. Includes history, goals, current events, and a packet for active members about to graduate.