english deutsch
Colorado, University of - Alpha Iota chapter, Kapp, Emporia State University - Delta Xi chapter, Kappa, Emporia State University - Gamma Zeta chapter, Tau, Iowa State University - Iota Omega and Theta Xi ch, Kansas State University - Epsilon Pi and Delta Kap, Lincoln University - Theta Rho chapter, Kappa Kapp, Minnesota, University of - Alpha Iota chapter, Tau, Minnesota, University of - Kappa Alpha chapter, Ka, Montana State University - Beta chapter, Kappa Kap, North Dakota State University - Alpha Theta chapte
Local Alumni Associations
Eta Pi - Zeta Nu Alumni Association of Northern Io
2004 Midwest District Convention
General informational site for the upcoming district convention in Bozeman, Montana. Hosted by the Beta and Delta Xi chapters. Includes maps, distances from major universities, travel guides to Bozeman, and online registration.
The Midwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Be
Official site for the district including the states of: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Contains comprehensive chapter information, mascot lists, alumni contact information, calendar, chat room, document archives, minutes, and convention information.
The Midwest Notes 1996-97
Three archived issues of the Midwest Notes produced during the 1996-97 school year. Includes national, district, and chapter reports, as well as other articles.
The Midwest Notes 2001-2002
Electronic version of the district's print publication includes chapter and district officer reports.