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Reviews and Previews
Gamebreaker: Smackdown 3, GameSpot Review
Cheat Code Central
Contains a strategy guide, CAWs, and cheats.
JBI CAWs and Codes
CAWs and PAL/NTSC codes.
Just Bring It World
Hundreds of CAWs, request section, tips, cheats, discussions, help, and weekly column.
Smackdown 3: Know One's Role
News, screenshots, game features, and wrestler names.
Smackdown Reunion
Offers CAWs, both real and original. Also contains a forum in which fans of the site can communicate.
Tribe's Guide: WWF Smackdown 3
Message board, chat, and screenshots.
WWF Smackdown JBI Zone
Information, screenshots, downloads, cheats and tips, guides, and forum.