Chats and Forums
Believers Landing, Bipolar and the Creative Mind, Bipolar Worlds, Bipolar101, Bipolarlist, Bi_Polar, BPhoenix1, BPrayer: Support for Christians with Bipolar Loved, eSupportGroups Bipolar Forum, Harbor of Refuge
ADHD Bipolar Support
Chatroom, links, new drug releases, poems, stories, and a dictionary of disorders.
BiPolar Bears Support Group
Offline support group in Phoenix, Arizona. Listing of other support groups, organizations.
Bipolar Connection Network
Support, information, news, stories and articles.
Bipolar Unlimited
Information, articles, writings, message board, chat room.
Cambridge Manic Depression Fellowship
Offline (UK) support group, links, resources.
Parents of Bipolar Children
Offline (Washington state) NAMI bipolar support group, schedule, community resources, listserv.