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Chats and Forums
Fibro Friends 4 Fun, Fibro-Friends Support Group Online, Fibrochat.com, FibroFriends Web/Chat site, Fibrohugs Fibromyalgia Support, Fibromyalgia chat room and message board, Fibromyalgia Community, Fibromyalgia Discussion, Fibromyalgia Family Circle, Fibromyalgia Friends
Bedford PA Fibromyalgia Support Group
Current articles, links and list of monthly meetings, speakers and chat room. The group welcomes you and hopes you leave more informed.
CFIDS-FMS Support Group of Rockland County
A self-help support group for people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Association of Houston
This site is a place to begin or continue your journey to understanding and living with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Information and Support in the UK
STIFF(UK) offers information and support to patients with this syndrome through its monthly newsletter and booklets written by sufferers for other sufferers with the condition.
Fibromyalgia Self-Help Group of Tuscaloosa, AL, US
This group helps fibromyalgia patients by helping them to educate themselves about this disease.
Fibromyalgia Site For Information
A place where credible information is available to better deal with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue.
Fibromyalgia Support Group- Salisbury, MA
learn all about Fibromyalgia and where to go for the needed support you may be seeking.
Fibromyalgia Support - Ottawa West
Fibromyalgia information, FAQs by doctors, articles, references, links.
Fibromyalgia Support N. Ireland
Information and support on the condition.
Susquehanna Valley Fibromyalgia Support Group
Information on support group meetings in the Susquahanna Valley of Pennsylvania.