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Magazines and E-zines
All Hands, Approach, Ashore, CHIPS, Fathom, LINK Perspective, Mech, Navy Times, Seapower, Surface Warfare
Flagship News, Hawaii Navy News Online, Panorama, Seahawk/Umitaka
Naval Aviation News
Flagship publication of U.S. Naval aviation. Some issues require Adobe Acrobat to view.
Naval Media Center (NMC)
Supports the Chief of Naval Information's mission of keeping the Navy/Marine Corps team up-to-date on issues that affect their careers and their lives.
Naval War College Press
Publishes a variety of works, including one of the leading quarterly journals on international security, defense, and naval matters, and the Naval War College Review.
Naval War College Review
Covers the activities of the U.S. Naval War College and matters of interest to personnel in the U.S. Navy.
US Navy - Suite101.com
Discussion of issues relating to the Navy in general and Navy training and preparedness in particular.