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Beaked Whales
Beaked Whales
Beluga and Narwhal
Beluga and Narwhal, Beluga Whale Hub, Narwhal, Narwhal Information, Narwhal Tooth Expedition and Research Invesigation
Orca, AquaThought Foundation, Artful Dolphin, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Baiji or Whitefin Dolphin, Blue World - Adriatic Dolphin Project, Bottlenose Dolphins, Boutos or Amazon Dolphins, Coastal Dolphin Survey Project, Delphis Project, Dolphin Communication Project (DCP)
Phocoena.org, Porpoises, The Porpoise Page
Sperm Whales
Canadian Museum of Nature: Sperm Whale, Cetacea: Sperm Whales, Discovering Whales: The Sperm Whale, Enchanted Learning: Sperm Whales, Endangered Species: Sperm Whales, Fishin' For Facts: Sperm Whales, International Fund for Animal Welfare: Sperm Whale, Nature: Sperm Whales: The Real Moby Dick, Smithsonian Magazine - Thar They Blow!, Species Corner: Sperm Whale
Dolphin Species
Information and pictures on all species of marine dolphins, porpoises, and river dolphins.