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In Memoriam
Living Memorials, 9-11 Heroes, 9-11 World Trade Center Rescuers Memorial, A Hero Among Many Heroes, A New Day Of Infamy, A Tear of Comfort in an Ocean of Grief, A Time To Remember : Tribute to September 11, 2001, America Attacked, America Weeps, Attack on America, Beliefnet Prayer Circle: The Victims of the Terror
A Legacy for the Victims of Sept. 11, 2001
Provided to enable individuals to contact their leaders and lobby for solutions to those issues causing discontent (and at the extreme, terrorism).
America Under Attack
An overview of the attack including some rescue and recovery efforts.
Ananova: Sick Hoaxers Post Bogus Survivors on List
Hoaxers have maliciously posted names of missing people on a website and claimed they survived the World Trade Centre attack.
Cheryl McGuinness
The wife of co-pilot of American Airlines Flight 11 shares her story of loss, grief and coping. Includes schedule of speaking engagements and contact information.
CNN In-Depth: America Under Attack: Victims
Lists of victims and WTC tenants, as well as information about the latest news about the victims and survivors. Audio/video. Emergency contact information.
Disaster Mental Health
Provides resources that support the mental health needs of disaster survivors and responders. Includes a mental health services locator and information on bioterrorism.
Disaster Message Service
Concerned relatives/friends continue to post messages for information on the status of missing/located people.
Families of September 11
NGO promoting the interests of the victims families offers news and resources. Accepts online donations.
Guardian: British and Irish Nationals
List of unaccounted-for people.
Guardian: Those Who Died
Lists of confirmed dead and missing persons, including the airline flights, Carr Futures, Sandler O'Neill and Partners LP.
New York City Bombing Check-In Registry
Links to a variety of public and private check-in services. Includes a list of New York City SF fans who are known to have survived the bombings.
PA Sept. 11 Victim Assistance Program
Non-profit agency providing guidance and advocacy for survivors of the terrorist attacks and their immediate family members.
Rediff.com: Helpline for Missing Persons of Indian
Photographs and profiles of those missing, including contact and hotline information.
Search Engine for Lists of WTC/DC Victims
Allows searching the contents of many of the WTC/DC Disaster sites (list included).
September 11, 2001 Victims
Read about the September 11 victims with short biographies, pictures, statistics and tributes by loved ones.
Survivor List
List of victims and survivors.
Voices of September 11th
Advocacy group comprised of family members of those killed, provides news, event listings, and information on recovery efforts, legal issues, counseling and support groups, as well as memorials and tributes.
Witness To War
Personal stories organized by category and author and information on how to contribute own stories. With assistance information and link collection.
Zones of Devastation From 9/11
A map of the Victims sorted by ZIP Code. New York Times [free registration required].