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Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
Dayenu, Mature Age Gays (MAG), Queers For Reconciliation, Twenty 10
Cape Banks Family History Society Inc., Hawkesbury Family History Group, Sydney Dead Persons Society, Teapot Genies
By Locality, By Municipality, Manly Warringah Orchid Society
Eastern Suburbs branch of the Australian Democrats, Grayndler Branch of the Australian Democrats, Greenway Branch of the Australian Democrats, Lowe Branch of the Australian Democrats, No Air Craft Noise, Parramatta Branch of the Australian Democrats, Save Rockdale From Sartor, Warringah Branch of the Australian Democrats
By Locality, By Municipality, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Soul Revival, Super Flumina, Sydney Eruv
Active Sydney
Activist links and events in the Sydney region.
Information aimed at Bangladeshi residents of Sydney.
Short 'n' Curly - Tales from the west
An e-zine for writers from Western Sydney.
Sydney Adventure
Group that organises outdoor adventures and indoor dinners and shows. Includes and interactive event calendar.
Sydney Chatrooms
Private and public chat rooms arranged by broad area. Also offers classified.