File Downloads
8Bit, Atari 6502 - Cross Assembler, Atari 8-Bit Home Page, Atari Planet, Atari XL-XE Demos, Atari XL/XE Demos, Closer To Home Enterprises, Colins Atari 8-Bit Emulation Page, Fornax, Forth Compiler
8bit Party Forever
Pure 8-bit atmosphere, yearly Atari 8-bit events.
APE - Atari Peripheral Emulator
APE unleashes the power of your Atari 8 Bit computer, by making all the resources of your PC available for its use. Using only an inexpensive PC to Atari interface cable, APE provides super enhanced disk drive, modem, printer, ApeLoader Interactive Menu, and PC Mirror Services.
Atari 8-Bit Demo
With links, scenes, techno and software.
Atari 8-bit Developers Page
Atari 8-bit technical information about operating systems, 6502 opcodes, and programming languages.
Atari 8-bit Resort
Includes information on HIP, hardware, games, and demos. Has information in both English and German.
Atari Computer Museum
Dedicated to the early home computers made by the two pioneer computer companies, Commodore and Atari, as well as to the people behind it.
Atari Planet
Resource for Atari 8-bit computers with FAQs, files, and discussion board.
Atari to PC Joystick Interface
Directions and schematics on how to build an Atari to PC joystick interface.
Best Electronics
One of the Oldest Atari companies in the world. 4,000+ Atari factory OEM replacement parts, Atari 8 bit software and hardware, 17+ years of Atari technical and repair Information.
Classic Computer Magazine Archive
Full text of classic computing magazines: Creative Computing, Compute!, Antic, STart, Hi-Res, Tandy Computer Whiz Kids, ROM, and others
Closer to Home Atari 8-bit
Atari 8-bit information, history, files, and interviews. Telnet to the Closer to Home BBS, an emulated BBS.
Exploring the Arabic Atari 65 XE
Information about a rare prototype Atari computer that works in Arabic and English.
Forem-XE Professional BBS
History and downloadable files for this great BBS program.
Ken's Atari 8-bit Page
Atari 8-bit utilities and games. Atari 8-bit Emulators and Emulator Utilities. Links to other Atari 8-bit related sites.
New Breed Software
Home of 'XL Search' where you can search ftp sites for Atari 8-bit programs. Also has Atari games and utilities.
Raf's Atari 8-bit page
Over 300 links to all things Atari 8-bit - both for emulators and the real thing. Ramdrive 1.0 ramdisk available for downloading also.
St. Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts
Saint Paul ATARI Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE) is an independent user group of owners of ATARI Home Computers.
Steve R's Classic Cartridge Page
Offering sale and trade of Atari (includes Atari 400/800) cartridges and manuals. Includes a photo gallery and online arcade.
The Atari 8-bit Computer Webring
Webring for Atari 8-bit range of computers, ranging from the Atari 400 to the 130XE and anything in between. Includes the emulation of these computers and peripherals.
The Fuji Handheld Computer Project
A hardware and a software project whose goal is to create a handheld computer/PDA that is compatible with the Atari 8-bit line of computers. The hardware is based around a TI DSP. The software is currently a port of the Atari800 emulator.