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Atlee Community Church, Black Creek Baptist Church, Camp Hanover, Cold Harbor Road Church of Christ, Cool Spring Baptist Church, Episcopal Church of the Creator, Hanover Evangelical Friends Church, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Immanuel Episcopal Church, New Hanover Presbyterian Church
Hanover Ruritan Club
The club was established on May 19, 1936, and is now over 100 members strong.
Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter
Biography of HM-3 Clodfelter, United States Navy, victim on the USS Cole.
Mechanicsville Christian Center Junior Bible Quiz
Great resource for MCC members, MCC quizzers, or just people wanting to learn more about Junior Bible Quiz.
Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department
Company 7 history, pictures, apparatus, officers, members, and statistics.
Virginia DAV Chapter 44
Meeting time and location, and contact information.