english deutsch
Past Conferences
ESEC/FSE 99, ICSE 2001, ICSE 99, ICSE2000, ICSM 2002, PASTE 99, SIGMETRICS '99, TEST Congress 2000
ICCBSS: International Conference on COTS-Based Sof
Annual conference, sponsored by the National Research Council Canada and the SoftwareEngineering Institute.
International Conference on Software Testing. Euskalduna Jauregia Conference Centre and Concert Hall, Bilbao, Spain; 10--11 November 2004.
International Conference on Software Engineering
Pointers to ICSE Conference Websites.
International Conference on Software Quality
The annual conference of the Software Division of the American Society for Quality. Site contains program information, call for participation and guidelines for papers and presentations.
Quality Week Conferences
Held in May in the SF Bay area and November in Brussels, Belgium, the Quality Week Conferences usually have two days of tutorials and a 3-day technical conference with exhibits
Software Management and Applications of Software Measurement Conferences. Features real-world coverage of the management and measurement experiences.
The 1st International Workshop on Software Quality, held in conjunction with the Net.ObjectDays 2004. Erfurt, Germany; 27--30 September 2004.
Software Testing Analysis and Review Conference, Orlando, FL. Provides software testers and engineers with an advanced software testing forum.
SugarLoafPLoP 2004
The Fourth Latin American Conference on Patterns Languages of Programming. Aquaville Resort, Porto das Dunas, Ceará, Brazil; 10--13 August 2004.