Altona Evangelical Mission Church, College Drive Youth Ministries, First Mennonite Church of Winnipeg, Hope Community Church - Stoney Creek, Ontario, Lethbridge Mennonite Church, Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, Mennonite Fellowship of Montreal, New Life Christian Church, North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church
United States
Akron Mennonite Church, Assembly Mennonite Church, Austin Church, Berea Mennonite Church, Bible Fellowship Church - Rapid City, South Dakota, Community Mennonite Church, Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Finland Mennonite Church, First Mennonite Church, First Mennonite Church of Indianapolis
African American Mennonite Association
A voice of advocacy and linking of congregations.
Atlantic Coast Conference
Fifty congregations. Vision. Beliefs. Resources.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Bringing Christians together for greater impact in mission, ministry, and witness.
Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference
A large mid-west conference of Mennonite Church USA. Church listings.
Lancaster Mennonite Conference
A large and visionary organization of churches, with headquaters in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
MennoLink Information Source
Listing of Mennonite congregations with web sites.
Mennonite Connections on the World-Wide Web
Large list of churches with web sites and other Mennonite organizations.
Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church
Mission statement and links to member congregation's sites.
Western District Conference
Sixty nine member congregations and one associate member congregation located in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Nebraska.