AK Press, Autonomedia, Black Rose Books, Elephant Editions, Freedom Press Home Page, Red Lion Press, See Sharp Press
AEI Books, Basic Books, ISI Books, Merril Press, Regnery Publishing, Transaction Publishers
American Liberty Publishers, Freedom Communications, Inc., Libertarian Press, Inc., Liberty Fund, Inc.
Between the Lines
Publisher of non-fiction books on social and political issues. Events and news, manuscript submission guidelines, author interviews, and ordering information.
CQ Press
Books, directories, periodicals, and web products on American government and politics, current events, and world affairs by Congressional Quarterly.
Hybrid Publishing Co-op Ltd.
A Canadian and co-operatively owned publishing house established to promote accessibly-written social commentary and analysis.
New Society Publishers
Publishes books on ecology, social change and other areas of activism.
Olin Frederick Publishing Company
Seeks to reform American polity through publishing. Submission information, bookshelf, author list, and upcoming releases.
Population Policy Press
A small specialist press publishing works on population policy and related issues.
SpringForward Press
Media kits, reviews, and tour information for its progressive-left books.
Whose Promised Land
Offers videos and book about the Christian view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Author biographies and ordering information provided.