Amber, Lord of Light, "Auto-da-Fé", "Lobachevsky's Eyes", "Spinning the Day Through My Head", "The Man Who Loved the Faioli", "To Spin is Miracle Cat", Damnation Alley, Newt Humor: Zelazny's Agnostic's Prayer, Review of A Roger Zelazny Omnibus, Roger Zelazny, Roger Zelazny, A Night In The Lonesome October
Allscifi: Roger Zelazny Spotlight
Analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of his novels.
Baen Books: Zelazny
Three of the author's books currently in print, with the first four chapters of The Black Throne readable online.
Fantasticfiction: Roger Zelazny
Annotated bibliography including quotations by the author on the work of his fellow writers.
Rare Book Covers
Contains images of rare first editions and signed books by the author.
Roger Zelazny
This page explores some of the themes in the author's works and gives a selected bibliography.
Roger Zelazny Book Covers
This gallery contains scans of the front covers of the author's works, often including more than one edition of each title.
Roger Zelazny in Japan
A discussion of the release of the author's works in Japan, together with three reviews and a gallery of computer generated images.
Roger Zelazny Page
Works list, awards, products for sale, Amber section, and music.
SF Site Review: Lord of the Fantastic
This book is a collection of short stories written in tribute to Zelazny, together with anecdotes of each author's memories of the man.
Zelazny and Amber
Lists of facts about the author including bibliography sorted by medium, convention appearances, story synopses, pictures, and an obituary.